Don't Call Me Midlife
Join Alix and Nicole, the coffee-addicted, wine-loving, Amazon-obsessed mom squad, as they take you on a hilarious and heartfelt journey through the ups and downs of mid-life. With six boys and a knack for keeping it real, these two friends bring you more than just mom tales – they're on a mission to help you reclaim your identity beyond motherhood.
Discover the joy of embracing mid-life with these relatable hosts who are keen to learn, grow, and laugh along with their listeners. From navigating Pinterest-worthy fashion to mastering the art of leggings, from meal planning to avoiding life's chaos, they've got you covered.
But here's the kicker – they don't have all the answers, and they're proud of it. Alix and Nicole are in the trenches right alongside you, sharing their genuine experiences and bringing you along as they learn and laugh their way through life's twists and turns.
So grab your favorite drink, whether it's a trusty Stanley, an oat milk latte from Starbucks, or a glass of Whispering Angel, and prepare to be entertained, inspired, and empowered. Don't Call Me Mid-Life is the podcast where the fun begins, and mid-life gets a whole lot cooler.
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Don't Call Me Midlife
☀️ Summer Cocktails + Mocktails
Quench your summer thirst with refreshing cocktail and mocktail inspirations perfect for busy moms. Imagine sipping on a zesty margarita with a twist, or discovering how to infuse your drinks with vibrant citrus notes. Join us as we share our favorite tips and tricks to stay hydrated and make your summer sipping both fun and flavorful. Plus, get the scoop on Alix's adventures in London and Vegas escapades, all while exploring the balance between surviving and thriving through the hot months.
In this episode, we cover:
1. Cocktail and mocktail options for summer, including specific recipes and non-alcoholic alternatives.
2. Moderation and health considerations in midlife drinking.
3. Personal preferences for different types of drinks and how they've changed over time.
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Welcome to Don't Call Me Midlife. This summer we're shaking things up a bit with our special series called Survive or Thrive. We know moms are extra busy during the summer, so we're bringing you shorter, bite-sized episodes, focused on one hot topic at a time. Join us as we share tips, stories and laughs, helping you decide if you're just getting by or truly thriving this summer. Nicole, hi hi, how are you Happy?
Speaker 1:Summer, summertime. Yes, I like the summer. You do. Usually, I'm anti-summer, but I think it's been a peaceful summer. So, yeah, well, we are like in the midst of summertime, so it's very exciting.
Speaker 1:Yes, what is in your cup today? I just have, I'm just sipping on some ice water. Nothing exciting. I do think that's exciting. Just straight up water. Sometimes that's all you need, forget all the stuff in it.
Speaker 1:Well, I'm similar to you, but I have some lime element tea in my water and I know you are not a huge fan of element tea, but I feel like lime and the citrus flavors and the watermelon. They're like really fun in the summertime and I'm drinking that, you know. You know I did that because it has to do with our fun thrive or survive topic today, which is summer cocktail yes, and mocktails. I'm loving my mocktail, I got to tell you you, do you boo? Well, the reason I was going to tell you real quick one. You know I love a good skinny mark and one of the tricks sometimes that I'll do is to stay hydrated and to have a fun cocktail is to put some of the lime element tea into my skinny mark and it's really good. Yes, it's a good idea, right? I would try that because I love a margarita Like that is my go-to, yeah, and I love it with extra salt. Okay, so I don't always love salt in my drinks, but I do in a margarita. So maybe, maybe I could get down with that. You could do that. You know it's balance, right? Yeah, yes, well, okay, so you like a spicy Marg, right? Yes, I love a spicy Marg. So does that mean what I? I've never really had a spicy Marg. Is there like a spicy tequila that they put in it, or like what makes it spicy? Um, they just put in the shaker. They'll just put in like little jalapeno slices or I don't know. Maybe they do have like a simple syrup with like habanero in it. Yeah, a lot of.
Speaker 1:At my birthday I got like it was a spicy marg mix. It didn't have tequila in it. You mix tequila, but it was the first time I saw that and a lot of my friends drank it and they're like I love this. And I was like, wow, I just I don't know if I like a spicy Marg, I'm just down with the skinny Marg, I just could drink. I told Alex the other day when we were in I mean, when we were in Vegas a couple of weeks ago I could just drink margaritas all year long. I don't know, I just like, love them so much. And with any meal and with any meal Whitefish, steak, spaghetti, I don't care. Yes, yes, I agree.
Speaker 1:Well, you know, I'm in London right now and I have tried to find a Skinny Marg here, but they don't really know what that is. If anyone knows of the best Skinny Marg, you know London, they have the most amazing cocktails. I mean literally, nicole, they take like 20 minutes to make one cocktail. It's like has to be perfect. They take like little tweezers and put like petals on the cocktails, which I love. But I will have to come back to the US to have my real, true skinny marks. Or maybe you can buy your own ingredients and just make it yourself. I could do that. I could do that, but we're eating out a ton here and making some dinners at home, but our apartment's pretty small so I'm not enjoying cocktails there, so I'll go out for that with Alex or the boys.
Speaker 1:So what other sort of drinks Do you feel like you drink? More in the summer or less? How do you feel about summer sort of drinking? Well, me personally, I, you know it has it has to be in moderation. For me, because you know my Hashimoto's. It just does not make me feel a hundred percent, and so typically it's just like a little event or a get together girls night. If I don't have much in the next couple of days, I'll I'll treat myself. I mean, we have like a beautiful patio and we can see the mountain from it, and so it's just nice to sit out there. But I did find something on Instagram that I made, and recently, and it was phenomenal.
Speaker 1:What is it? I'm dying, I don't know. It's. Well, it's a tequila base, and so what you do is you put the tequila in with strawberries and you let it marinate for like three weeks, and so you get this beautiful like ruby red liquid and it's just so delicious, and then you mix it with orange liqueur and you can use agave or simple syrup, and then you just shake it up and it's just like perfect. Yeah, that sounds so good. Nicole, send me that. I'm going to make that. When I get home, I'm going to make some strawberry tequila. Whoever comes over my house, tequila is one of those things I just love.
Speaker 1:I also feel like, you know, having certain cocktails make you feel better or worse. I feel like for myself, in midlife, I can't drink as much wine, no matter if it's like really good wine or not. I don't drink Alex and I don't drink red anyways, but I think it's more cocktails. I think it's also, you know, to be honest, it's slower to drink. Right, I could like down wine easy I don't know about you Especially a nice crisp rosé. Yes, yes, I do, I do. But it's like if we're like sitting outside, it would be so fun, but we're for the beach, but I just I can't drink as much wine lately. I just can't.
Speaker 1:Yeah, this is a good drink to have when you have a party too. Like, yeah, so you can put this in the fridge and just kind of make sure you label it. So your teens are like, oh, what's this, what's this fruit punch. But it is good if, like, you're having some company over and you just want like that one thing and and you don't want to have like a cocktail bar or standing in one spot making drinks for everybody. So I think having this alongside, maybe like sangria, would be like a perfect summer, like you know drinks, and then that just people can help themselves and they can put whatever garnish they want in there and then you can. Actually I noticed that like the woman she um, on the rim I think it was like a sugar crystal. I wish I didn't have Hashimoto's. Oh my gosh, you could. You could also crush up some like dried strawberries too. Oh yeah, for the rim to make it like fun. Okay, that's good, you can also make. I like margaritas because you can make them for when you have a party, like in batches, right, so people can like pour it out their own and that's super fun.
Speaker 1:Also, you and Jerry loves like a mocktail, or what do you do for that in the summertime? Are you just like straight water? Do you have like a fun seltzer, or you don't like sparkling stuff? So what do you if you're? You know, jerry and I are like a little boring or like a little mindful with things. Because he doesn't do seltzers anymore because, well, for those of you ladies listening, he gets kidney stones like a lot. And so his urologist said that carbonation there's something about carbonation that like brings on kidney stones. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, well, we didn't either. So he was drinking like bubbly and lacroix and all those drinks and there's something in it that, yeah, aggrav the Good to know. So, anyway, we just have a lot of water.
Speaker 1:I like to put mint in my water, but I love, love, love coconut. And so I found this mocktail that I love from I think her name is Kale Junkie, and it's like coconut, coconut milk with lime and ginger beer. And I don't like carbonation but like, I think, because the denseness of the coconut milk it doesn't make it super fizzy but it's very delicious. That sounds it's almost like a, like a I don't want to say it's like a pina colada. I was going to say pina colada, yeah, which I love. Those Like that's my favorite drink poolside. You are so funny, I can't have those.
Speaker 1:Alex loves those, like he actually. You know you wouldn't think he's like a fruity drink guy, but like when we're in St Croix or like on vacation, he will definitely drink those. He's like an IPA boy, right? Yes, he's like. He's just like he loves a beer. He loves seltzers too. Like he's a big like a lower alcohol content. Like, if people I'm not a, we're not like big day drinkers, but if I was, I'd probably have like a seltzer at the beach or you know, there's lots of people in the summertime that like to pack up a cooler.
Speaker 1:Speaking of coconut, I actually thought you were going to say the same mocktail as me. Have you ever? Well, you don't like sparkly, but I love. If I'm going to have a mocktail in the summertime, is the coconut LaCroix. It's so good I do like it for, like, if I'm at a barbecue or something and that's all they have, then I will drink it and I like that one and the lime. I think it's the lime. The lime LaCroix is really good. It's a green can so I can. Um, it's like I don't like the fizz but I like the aftertaste of it, especially the coconut, right, um, do you? Or like with malibu rum? Yeah, like, that's not a mocktail, but like I love malibu rum, anything coconut, really. You're so funny. My mom's a big rum drinker I'm not, you know, do you?
Speaker 1:Um, also one of the seltzers that I love too in the summertime, because it it tastes like the real fruit or whatever is the Spindrift. They make a cucumber mint, oh, and they make a mojito one. That is really, really good in the summertime. They also just came out with a fruit punch Spindrift that is to die for, and you can drink that on its own. I had it at my birthday party and people were like commenting it's actually, I think, sold out a lot of places. So I like those. Are they all carbonated? Yes, I don't think I've ever had one. Oh, oh, well, I should send you some.
Speaker 1:We have two drawers in my kitchen of like pull out of just seltzers, cause my kids will not John, but Baker and Walker love to drink seltzers. I don't buy a lot of soda unless it's like a party, um, but, but they do, they love like seltzers. Alex drinks a lot of seltzer. He takes one to work every day. So, um, yeah, those are ones that I love, but the La Croix coconut is my favorite. No one else, like no one, will steal it, nicole, because I'm the only one that likes it. Perfect, perfect. That's a great, great idea.
Speaker 1:You know, if any, if any of our ladies listening have any ideas for fun cocktails or mocktails this summer, let us know. We would love some new drink ideas and that would be awesome. I would say, nicole, my summer, especially given my travel, I am definitely thriving with the cocktails over mocktails. I would say, and guess what, I don't feel guilty, I do not feel guilty, I don't feel guilty, I do not feel guilty and I love light summer cocktails, so I'm definitely thriving in this area. What about you? Yeah, I mean, I guess I'm thriving. I don't feel like I'm surviving. I think if I was going to like a lot of parties and drinking a lot, you know, and super inflamed, I'd feel like, oh, I'm just surviving. But I mean, I'm a big girl, I can say no, but yeah, no, I'm definitely thriving, we're thriving and you know, everyone thrives with the cocktails or mocktails in their own way. I mean, we, we aren't in our twenties where we drink every day. But you know, have fun with your summer cocktails. I love the idea of using, like, fresh fruit or doing you know the idea of the infused tequilas and all of that. So I think, just like, thrive and have fun with your with your summer cocktails and macs. Yes, enjoy.
Speaker 1:And that's a wrap for today's episode of Don't Call Me Midlife. We hope you had as much fun as we did. If you're just waiting in the carpool line, don't forget to follow the show, and if you're feeling extra spicy today, leave us a rating and review Before we part ways. Join our newsletter to stay in the loop with all things midlife, magic, bonus content and more. Head on over to the show notes for how to sign up. We can't wait to keep the conversation going and, of course, don't forget to fill up your own cup first. Cheers.