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Don't Call Me Midlife
Join Alix and Nicole, the coffee-addicted, wine-loving, Amazon-obsessed mom squad, as they take you on a hilarious and heartfelt journey through the ups and downs of mid-life. With six boys and a knack for keeping it real, these two friends bring you more than just mom tales – they're on a mission to help you reclaim your identity beyond motherhood.
Discover the joy of embracing mid-life with these relatable hosts who are keen to learn, grow, and laugh along with their listeners. From navigating Pinterest-worthy fashion to mastering the art of leggings, from meal planning to avoiding life's chaos, they've got you covered.
But here's the kicker – they don't have all the answers, and they're proud of it. Alix and Nicole are in the trenches right alongside you, sharing their genuine experiences and bringing you along as they learn and laugh their way through life's twists and turns.
So grab your favorite drink, whether it's a trusty Stanley, an oat milk latte from Starbucks, or a glass of Whispering Angel, and prepare to be entertained, inspired, and empowered. Don't Call Me Mid-Life is the podcast where the fun begins, and mid-life gets a whole lot cooler.
Subscribe now and join the mid-life squad on this incredible adventure. Life is an adventure worth sharing, especially in mid-life!
Don't Call Me Midlife
Revitalizing Intimacy with Allie Edwards [Modern Mom Date]
What if you could reclaim your intimate life and boost your sexual wellness with a simple yet groundbreaking treatment? Allie Edwards from Renova Med Spa Aesthetics joins us again to talk all about the power of the O-Shot, what this procedure is, and its benefits. From tackling midlife challenges like vaginal dryness and decreased pelvic floor strength to enhancing your sexual satisfaction, she offers invaluable insights into how this revolutionary procedure can significantly improve your quality of life. Whether you're facing current issues or considering proactive treatment, this episode is packed with essential information to help you prioritize your pleasure and well-being.
In this episode, we discuss:
1. The O-Shot: What it is and how it works.
2. Common challenges in women's sexual health.
3. Benefits and potential side effects of the treatment.
Mentioned in this episode:
Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy
You can connect with Allie on:
Website www.renovamedco.com
Instagram @renova_med
Facebook Renova Medical Aesthetic
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Welcome to the Don't Call Me Midlife podcast. I'm Nicole and I'm Alex. We're your coffee-addicted, wine-loving, Amazon-obsessed mom squad. Think of us as your new besties, but with a podcast. And, just like you, we're navigating the Google-defined chaos of midlife while wrangling a pack of boys. But here's the twist we're more than just moms and wives. We're on a mission to reclaim our identities beyond motherhood, and we're bringing you along for the wild ride. Now, we don't pretend to have all the answers to life's mysteries, but we're so good at learning and laughing our way through them. So whether you're sipping from your trusty Stanley, indulging in an oat milk latte from Starbucks or raising a glass of Whispering Angel, get ready to hang with us. Together. We'll keep it real, have some laughs and remind you that this crazy journey called life is one adventure worth sharing.
Speaker 1:Okay, ladies, we are going to welcome back Allie Edwards from Renova Med Spa Aesthetics here in Castle Rock, Colorado. She was on before, but we had her come on again to talk about the O-Shot, and it is going to rock your world. It's going to be I learned. I learned so many things Like I know, Nicole, like a lot of our body and emotions change during this age, but I didn't know that particular area changes too. So this is this is actually really useful information, being proactive ladies about our bodies. So you're this is actually really useful information being proactive ladies about our bodies. So you're going to really really enjoy this. Allie is a sweetheart, has so much information. Okay, Good morning ladies. Hi. Nicole, Hi, Good morning Allie. Hi. Nicole, Hi, Good morning Allie, Hi there, Hi. Okay, Honestly, this episode is going to rock your world, Literally. Wow, that's aggressive, Nicole, for this morning Buckle up, that's all I'm going to say Buckle up, we're excited.
Speaker 1:We love Allie. She's been on here before. We just had to have her back because she's one of our faves, right? Aw, thanks guys. Yes, you give so much good information and I think you give so much more to our ladies than we realize, and I can't wait to have our listeners learn all about the O-Shot. Yay, super excited. So what's in your cup, Nicole? I just have a bunch of questions and curiosity, Like oh that's what's in my cup Figuratively today. Figuratively today. Yeah, I'm so curious.
Speaker 2:What about you, Alex? What's?
Speaker 1:in your cup. So this is sort of funny and I know it's not the healthiest drink, but my family has been obsessed with Dr Diet Pepper and we have, I like, stocked my fridge for the summer. I know it's not healthy at all, but it is like my favorite soda if I am going to drink it and my mother-in-law we got this from my mother-in-law Cause when you go to her house it's the funniest thing she has like the cases of soda in her fridge that is like root beer, sprite, dr Pepper, cause she drinks a Dr Pepper like every single day. So it's soda, it's soda. I don't care, enjoy, you can put whatever you want in your cup. What's in your cup, allie?
Speaker 2:I think I did this last time too. I have, oh, and I came prepared. This time I have the amino energy. Ooh, so I drink it every morning. It's like my version of coffee, I guess, and it has like aminos. It's got a little caffeine, it's got a little rana, is that?
Speaker 1:grape flavored.
Speaker 2:This one is grape flavored. It's my favorite flavor, Um, but I have a nice little um Tumblr of it every morning, so you don't drink coffee.
Speaker 1:I don't drink coffee. Same question we're like wait what no coffee? Okay, let's definitely link that in the show notes. I mean, I could never stop coffee, but I'm interested in an extra little boost, Like a chaser.
Speaker 2:I can definitely do a coffee chaser, so I don't drink coffee in the afternoon too.
Speaker 1:My goodness, there you go. Okay, love that, allie, are we ready to dive into this? Yes, yes, you start, nicole Talk all about it. Well, I don't really know anything about it, but I do have lots of questions. So we have Allie, and she is the owner of Renova Med Spa here in Castle Rock and she has something called the O-Shot that she offers in addition to other services, and we brought her on here because this is a hot topic, literally and figuratively, and so we just want to educate everybody on what the O-Shot actually is. Gathering from the name, when you say O, I would think orgasm. So I don't know if that's all it entails, but I would like to hear a little bit more from Allie on what exactly the O-Shot is. Is that the real name?
Speaker 2:Allie, it is the real name O-Shot, so there's a doctor that coined it, the O-Shot. There's the P-Shot, there's other shots.
Speaker 1:Wait, it's P for what P for the boys?
Speaker 2:Penis. Oh okay, I didn't know that. Huh, yeah, we don't do that, so you can put that one out there. Um, don't come to us, but, um, there is no test for that. But we do, definitely do the O shop and it was honestly a few years ago that we decided to bring it on, because I realized how, as women and midlife, we start going through changes, and I think for a long time, people just chalked it up as normal, like, we have increased vaginal dryness, we have decreased pelvic floor strength, um, so we're leaking, we're wearing pads when we work out all of these things, and and then sex becomes more of a chore and it's not as enjoyable and so like decreased libido, but also like I'm not getting orgasms or nothing happens anymore, and so and again, I think people just chalked it up to hey, this is a normal thing and I guess this is how it's going to be the rest of my life.
Speaker 2:And with the OSHA, I found that that's not the case. You can continue to enjoy having sex. You can revitalize that area of your body to do what it used to do, and so I think I'll go to that like how we do it. Go to that like how we do it. What we do with the Oshot is that we use PRP from your body, your blood, which is platelet-rich plasma. So we draw your blood, we spin it and we get the plasma the platelets and growth factors from your blood and inject it into the clitoral hood and the vaginal wall.
Speaker 2:That sounds painful, that sounds scary. I get it. I totally and honestly. Until you do it, it will sound scary, but I don't know that there has been a person that's come in that's like, oh my gosh, that was the worst experience ever. I'm never going to do it again.
Speaker 1:We numb the crap out of that area and honestly so. We have a topical numbing. Is it a topical or is it another?
Speaker 2:shot, okay, is it a topical or is it another shot? Okay, so we do a topical, numbing, um, and we also do, uh, um, another shot. So, while your blood is spinning, um, you're numbing and, interestingly enough, that's a highly vascular area and it numbs fairly quickly. And so, um, because of that, usually people are numb enough with the topical. We also do a little shot right before, just so that it's a little extra numb. But, honestly, by the time we're done, people are like wait, is that it? We're done, you did it. And so, and we do everything to make sure that you're the most comfortable that you can be I think the most uncomfortable is just that area and having somebody in that area.
Speaker 1:But yeah, but we've all had babies.
Speaker 2:I think that's probably fine, I was going to say like, as a woman, I think you've had your pap smears, you've had your IUDs, you've had your babies, all of the things. There's people that's been there, you know, and so and we're all nurses, nurse practitioners, there at our clinic, and I mean I've seen thousands of vaginas we trust you, girl.
Speaker 1:Can we backtrack one one, one step, alia? So what? What is the most common sort of problem? I would say that women come to you and I'm curious the age range is it? Is it midlife, is it? And do we see these problems that you talked about in the beginning? Some of those, it sounds like, could also be due to, like us, having babies too, right. And then also, I actually didn't realize some of these I don't want to say problems or things that happened to our body were because of age. Right, I like how you said we just sort of normalized it, right. But knowing there's probably a listener lady out there that's like, oh, I didn't know that was part of, like, the aging process per se. Right, but it is, and that's why we wanted to do this episode, letting people know that this can happen but it doesn't have to happen, right? So so what, what is like the age range and what is the most common like situation that people come to you Cause I'm sure you have to ask that, right, like, what are they dealing with?
Speaker 2:No, absolutely, um, honestly, it's more toward um. So I have two groups. I have postpartum, so you know younger moms that there's been a lot of trauma down there and going on that decreased sensation, um, decreased stimulation. So there's that, and I will say those young moms, the results for them are like off the charts. Just because they're young, they have increased collagen, their tissue is still like young and vital, all of those things. My second group are my perimenopausal, postmenopausal women, right, um, that if you think of the things that you're seeing, like on your face, on your skin, um, all of the things, those are aging, so that area is also aging, so the tissue, well, no one's looking at their hoo-hahs, you know, all the time be like, oh, look at that sagging a little more, like no one sees that.
Speaker 1:And my mom likes to fill me in on things that will happen to me. So your mom, my mom does so I have no idea about this Right. She didn't even tell me to shave my legs, guys, so I had no clue.
Speaker 2:So yes, thank you. Thanks, Andrea.
Speaker 1:I got you, alex, you got me, okay, okay, so this is so interesting. So going back to the midlife ladies in perimenopause you see just physical changes, right.
Speaker 2:Yes, and a lot of them. So if you think of tissue laxity, so like we all start getting gels and things like that, tissue laxity is happening in your vaginal wall outside, like on your labia, all of those things things start just changing a little bit and due to hormones and things like that, you have increased dryness in that area and because there's laxity, there's a decrease in um, like wall strength, your pelvic wall strength. So you have more incontinence. You have um. The dryness is painful, just in general, but not even to mention like insects, like that's very painful.
Speaker 2:And so like there's no amount of lube. You can ask these ladies, I just it hurts your heart because they're like there's no amount of like, just lube that you can use that can help, and it hurts. It's like the Sahara down there and it just sounds uncomfortable, even if you're just sitting there.
Speaker 2:Just normal, yeah, just normally. I think it hurts. And then add that on to your like, like, to your like. Sexual wellness is hurts, right, does hurt, it does, but so those kind of things, and if you help with like tissue regeneration, so that's what platelet-rich plasma does, it goes in and it boosts, it gives you like like a nice little I, I don't know, like a, not a shock.
Speaker 1:Shock is a bad word to use for that area, but yeah, well, maybe it could be good.
Speaker 2:Like it does. It stimulates your nerves. It stimulates your tissue to regenerate and become tighter. It helps like nine out of 10. Women says it helps so much with the dryness down there. And especially like right off the bat some of them. It takes a few times, like for the tissue regeneration and the nerve stimulation, like two or three times doing the O-Shot, but the vaginal dryness like first time, just awesome.
Speaker 1:Does it? Does it change physiologically, like when we talk about laxity? Does it just kind of like tighten things up? Does it go from like for the older ladies, like you know, from a U back to a V like? Does it like lift it a little, or?
Speaker 2:okay, yeah, no, that's a that's a great question. No, it does it. Um, in the sense. So the two places that we inject it that I told you about, so the clitoral hood, so to give that those nerve stimulation in the um, in the clitoris, and then where we go in the vaginal wall, like near the g-spot, they're intended for like that nerve stimulation, but because it goes near that vaginal wall, like near the G spot, they're intended for like that nerve stimulation, but because it goes near that vaginal wall, it does tighten up that tissue in there. We're not doing anything like externally, so like we do have other things that we can do for that and we have machines, and so we do like to incorporate our Oshot with some of our other services to get all of those things like holistically taken care of yeah I.
Speaker 1:I had a friend that did um what's it called vaginal labial labial labial wait what is that?
Speaker 2:what is that? That's when you have little floppy labia and then they tighten it up.
Speaker 1:Oh, it says like a lip lift, it's like a facelift.
Speaker 2:It's a facelift for your vagina.
Speaker 1:Poor Alex is dying. Well, I am so glad that that's out there for people.
Speaker 2:I think you'd be surprised how many people get it Wow.
Speaker 1:What? The lip lift or labiaplasty? Yeah, labiaplasty, yeah, I think. I don't know, it's probably. Well, I think, if you have children like that, it's all exacerbated, right, if it? Makes you feel better.
Speaker 1:do it right Like we're, we're at the point where if you're going to get Botox, if you're going to if you believe in it or not, it doesn't you know if it's going to make you feel better and more confident to have that area nice and tight, then do that Right, because sex is something that is, at our age, like really important to connect with our husbands on right, this is a I feel like we are at a stage where we're so busy Our kids are like almost always around and Nicole and I have talked about this on other episodes right, to have that connection is the one thing that we do have with no one else in this world. Right, hopefully, um is is with our husbands. So I think, making sure that you really really have a healthy sex life, whatever that looks like for any of you, you really it is really important to have a healthy relationship, I believe.
Speaker 2:But I agree important to have a healthy relationship, I believe. But I agree and I think that it shouldn't just be, you know, one sided, because I think that as women, we get to a point, and I think that that's what's happened historically. Is that like, well, it's just going to suck from now on and I'm just going to do it because I love my husband and I am a good partner and I want to make him happy, and but that's not the case. It doesn't have to be like that. And I think that as women, we become unselfish and we've always been unselfish, like with our children and our families and all of this stuff and then you just feel like, well, and to this part of my life, that this is where it is now, like just have to suck it up.
Speaker 1:No that's not okay, that's not okay. Women can enjoy sex too. It is okay, it's okay. We deserve it too. Everyone deserves it, you, you, you deserve to have that intimacy with your husband, right, um? So tell us a little bit. Do you know anyone, like personally, who's gotten this shot? Or do you get feedback, like, do you have surveys from your, from your clients, or what do you do?
Speaker 2:Yes. So, survey, I don't know how was your weekend? Um, no, honestly, I um we do. We follow up with our um clients to make sure that, hey, how's everything going? Do you, did you get what you expected?
Speaker 2:That kind of a thing I will say I myself have had it and, honestly, the first time that I got it was really more, for I was trying to see if it would help strengthen my pelvic floor. I have like the whole peezing issue where I sneeze and I pee, um and yeah, but um and so I was thinking, oh, maybe it'll help more for that. So the first time I did it, honestly I can say it was kind of meh, like maybe it helped with my pelvic floor strength, maybe it didn't. I didn't really see any change sexually. Um, then I did it. So this is why we recommend three um so that it can get to its optimal. So the second time I did it, I and I never had any issues having an orgasm, but I couldn't stop. My husband was long done, can you repeat that? It didn't stop and I I you know like I've had multiple before but I I almost passed out. I was like just dying. And my husband was long done and I was like just be quiet.
Speaker 2:He is so proud of himself because he's thinking like, yeah, I got, you know I did this and I'm like you're like, you know my industry right. I was like oh my gosh, I'm gonna die like I, I don't know, and everyone. I pray that everyone feels something like that sometime in their life. But honestly, it went from like oh, I was probably like a good you know seven or whatever, to like 2020.
Speaker 1:So is that like? Every time, every time, like does the shot wear off? Or like what. How does it work like that? How do you space about?
Speaker 2:So, um, honestly, for a long time it was like how do you space about so? Um, honestly, for a long time it was like that was a constant, and then I saw it kind of trickled down, not necessarily like um, it wasn't like it didn't wear off necessarily, but I think we talked about this like it just plateaued like oh, you know, we're still good, yeah, it wasn't as intense, um, so, I'm definitely like a 18 year old orgasm to maybe like a 32 year old orgasm.
Speaker 2:I would just say there you go, um, but honestly I don't know, a 32, like at 32, I don't know that I was enjoying it as much as I am now Like, yeah, I'm a fan, yeah, um but honestly I think I would do it again. Yeah, so for me, after that second time, I, for me I reached that optimal result, so I don't feel like I needed a third one right away. Um, it's been about over a year now and I feel like I would be up for another one.
Speaker 1:Okay, but between the first and second. Yeah, and is there like a is it kind of like Botox, where you're just like you start to notice, or is there a recommended time?
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, um. So usually after the once you hit like your optimal, like where you want to be, um, then it's yearly, so, like we recommend, just like a yearly maintenance. But honestly, sometimes people are like, oh, after six months I need a little bit of a boost, that kind of a thing. And I mean, like what you were saying, just like Botox it does. If you never do it again, that's fine, it's not going to hurt anything, it's not if anything it helped, um, put you that much further along, like with in terms of tissue regeneration, um, but if you keep it up, good for you.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Are there any?
Speaker 1:are there any side effects of taking it? Like anything, like you can't have sex for a certain amount of time or things like that that you would feel like that naturally would happen to your body.
Speaker 2:Um. So downtime wise, like right after um, there actually is no downtime. I always tell the ladies that you know, if you want me to tell you there's downtime, I'm happy to give you a hall pass, like just to tell you it's a week I don't, one week I can't, but um, there really isn't. And a lot of people that we have done because right after you do it you have that inflammation and there's actually increased sensation for those, like first two couple of weeks, um, but there's no downtime. You could have a little bit of spotting again, more from the injection site, not because you're spotting vaginally, like you should not have any vaginal bleeding. The nice thing about this is it's all your own stuff, so we're not injecting anything chemical, we're not injecting anything that's not from your own body, and the beauty of this is is that the human body is a phenomenal thing and we're just helping stimulate it to do what it does best and so really like the effects of it. You can't, you really can't go wrong.
Speaker 2:Um, there's always a risk of infection whenever you poke a needle into anything. Um, a needle into anything, um, but very, very minimal. There literally is we do two pokes, that's it. Um, we obviously clean very well, but um it just I. There's very little side effects with that.
Speaker 1:This sounds good. I think, nicole, we should sign up.
Speaker 2:We should be your testers and let everybody know what we think.
Speaker 1:What we think. I mean I think you know everyone, probably at this age, whether it's you know, you probably have something going on, I would assume, right At the end of forties, right, so it could help, it could help anyone. Well, I have a question. I am not experiencing a lot of negative things down there yet, but would this be a good preemptive? Let's start now and kind of just, I mean I'm 47. I mean, obviously there's changes going on, but nothing's impacting me where I feel like I need. I need to do something. I don't feel like myself. Or do you wait? Like is there? No, would you recommend?
Speaker 2:one over the other. I, I, I like I don't think that a lot of people think that way because we we're not necessarily thinking about that, unless there's something wrong about that, unless there's something wrong. But I definitely think that long-term, if you're doing things to help again regenerate tissue down there and help keeping it nice and tight, that it will help you more long-term. So, absolutely Like preventatively doing something, you don't have to do it as often. I don't think I would do, you know, like once every other year kind of a thing, and just see how it goes. But um, I think that long-term you'll be better off.
Speaker 1:Okay, so being proactive is good, not reactive, correct? We like to be proactive in midlife right, yes. Yes, that is like botox. I mean, it is there, you go right and weight training and eating healthy and taking, you know, fish oil the makeup will be better ali how much does this how? Much does I mean that your place? Just in general, if someone was gonna go to you in colorado or find another place, how much is this?
Speaker 2:so, um, they at Renovo we charge it's nine, 50 per shot. Um, we do have a package that when you like buy three, you get. Um, I want to say it's like 10% off of the whole thing. So even if you don't use so, let's say you have your first one and you're like boom, optimal, great, you can bank those other two for like a year later or another year later. So but I do say that once you were a little bit older, it takes a little bit more to stimulate. When I say a little bit older, I'm saying like probably post-menopausal.
Speaker 2:So I'm talking about our like 55 plus women um that it just takes a little bit more to stimulate that tissue and to stimulate collagen. So I do think three is optimal. Um, but you will start seeing something after, even after the first.
Speaker 1:So if someone, if someone who doesn't live in Colorado, if they're interested in getting one, how do you make sure it's like a reputable place? You know, cause I'm sure if you looked up OSHA in Boston there's probably a lot of people just like who give Botox or any of those. We're just using those as examples. But how, how would someone know to make sure the place was legit if we couldn't come to you?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I um honestly doing research, like looking at their website, making sure they're credentialed in the sense that they are a medical professional, like um, so it needs to be a doctor, a PA, a nurse practitioner, somebody and somebody that has been trained appropriately. And so there's um, and honestly I would ask so, like when making an appointment and doing that, say, hey, so who is performing the O shot and how were they trained? Like what, what's their training behind it? So honestly, I would just I would ask the clinic but, looking on their website, should have a lot of information on it and you want to know that they can speak to it too. You know, like you want to see that they have testimonials of people that have had it. But that's a really great question because you shouldn't just let anyone miss.
Speaker 1:Right, no like anything.
Speaker 2:Don't go straight for the.
Speaker 1:Groupon right. Don't do not go for the Groupon. Oh my God, Do they still make Groupons Like I think they?
Speaker 2:do. Oh my God, that was like a huge thing in the twenties.
Speaker 1:Okay, I love that. How do we find you, allie? What's your? What's your?
Speaker 2:Instagram, Um at Renova, underscore med, Um and yeah, there's a lot of information there too. I think we have like on our um highlights. There's a. There's a lot of testimonials about the OSHA and women's health, regeneration and women's wellness, so we have a whole lot of other things that we do for women's wellness that helps out with that, but definitely the OSHA is a popular one. We do a lot of it.
Speaker 1:Oh, you're so helpful. Yeah, check out her Instagram, just because she has lots of, lots of good information on there about skincare and healthcare and sort of all that stuff. You guys sort of do it all. I know, when I was out in Colorado with Nicole, I met you in person and we, we, we went to your place. So it is, it is a special place with all those ladies that are really like so nice. So, yes, nicole wants to work. So, nicole, what time is it? It's my favorite time. It is unsolicited advice time. Okay, so we've given lots of advice, but, nicole, what would be sort of like your one little bit of advice today? Oh, my goodness, oh geez, alex, just I was not prepared to give unsolicited advice. Besides, get the OSHA, I mean, that's obviously advice.
Speaker 2:Like, you deserve it ladies.
Speaker 1:Yes, um, I guess lean in your curiosity because, um, I have heard of the OSHA. When I go to Allie's clinic, I see, you know information out there and I just have been thinking like, oh it's, I'm not there yet, I don't need it. But you know, in asking Allie, she said it's a good idea to potentially think of this as a how did you word it? Like proactive type proactive.
Speaker 1:Yes, be proactive, be proactive, be curious. Okay, get curious. I like that, nicole, good job. How about you? What's your unsolicited advice, alex? I would say, you know, lean into your intimate relationship, right Like? Talk to your partner about your sex life and how do they envision it. How do you envision it? Right Cause it's a journey as well, like what we're, what we're doing, or your expectations in our twenties, thirties, forties, fifties are different. So, you know, I view it as one of the most sacred things of a marriage and I think it's it's really important to do. Um, so I think I think, just bringing up the topic maybe it's not comfortable for you or, you know, maybe your spouse is really excited about talking about it, I don't know. Just keep on revisiting it, right Cause, cause it can be really fun, and maybe you need to add some spice and fun to it too. Just saying, turn up, turn up that dial, turn it up, turn it up.
Speaker 2:Men, um, when you know we have a lot of people that are like, oh, don't tell my husband I did this procedure, like how much it was. There has not been one husband that has disagreed or like, oh, you want the OSHA, here you go, have at it. They are very accommodating for that Right.
Speaker 1:It's a win-win for both people. I think you know.
Speaker 2:Yes, yeah, a hundred percent. Aw, people, I think you know yes, yeah, a hundred percent. So my unsolicited advice is be unapologetically selfish. Sometimes I think that, um again, as women, we give so much of ourselves and then we just think that that's part of our nature and then's what we do, that we get to enjoy that part of our life too. And, like I like how you said, you know, just communicate with your partner, and because things change and your desires change, the things that you want changes and they should be a part of that just as much as you. And so I think just being unapologetically selfish a little bit is okay. Oh, I love you, thanks.
Speaker 1:I love you too.
Speaker 2:I love you guys, I love you all.
Speaker 1:There's like a love fest. Oh my gosh. Thank you, allie. We're going to have you on for part three. I think we got to talk to you more about lots of stuff, so thank you so much for your time. Thank you, allie, and we'll talk to you guys soon.
Speaker 1:Bye, bye-bye, and that's a wrap for today's episode of Don't Call Me Midlife. We hope you had as much fun as we did. Absolutely, your support means the world to us. If much fun as we did, absolutely, your support means the world to us. If you're just waiting in the carpool line, don't forget to follow the show. And if you're feeling extra spicy today, leave us a rating and review Before we part ways. We've got a special invitation for you. Join our newsletter to stay in the loop with all things midlife, magic, bonus content and more. Head on over to the show notes for how to sign up. We can't wait to keep the conversation going. And, of course, remember, in the whirlwind of life and motherhood, don't forget to fill up your own cup first. You're extraordinary and your journey is worth every moment. Until next time, cheers.