Don't Call Me Midlife
Join Alix and Nicole, the coffee-addicted, wine-loving, Amazon-obsessed mom squad, as they take you on a hilarious and heartfelt journey through the ups and downs of mid-life. With six boys and a knack for keeping it real, these two friends bring you more than just mom tales – they're on a mission to help you reclaim your identity beyond motherhood.
Discover the joy of embracing mid-life with these relatable hosts who are keen to learn, grow, and laugh along with their listeners. From navigating Pinterest-worthy fashion to mastering the art of leggings, from meal planning to avoiding life's chaos, they've got you covered.
But here's the kicker – they don't have all the answers, and they're proud of it. Alix and Nicole are in the trenches right alongside you, sharing their genuine experiences and bringing you along as they learn and laugh their way through life's twists and turns.
So grab your favorite drink, whether it's a trusty Stanley, an oat milk latte from Starbucks, or a glass of Whispering Angel, and prepare to be entertained, inspired, and empowered. Don't Call Me Mid-Life is the podcast where the fun begins, and mid-life gets a whole lot cooler.
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Don't Call Me Midlife
Surviving Maycember Mayhem
In this episode of "Don't Call Me Midlife," Alix and Nicole dive headfirst into the chaotic month of May, affectionately dubbed "Maycember." Juggling a ton of activities from school concerts to graduation parties, they share their strategies for staying sane amidst the madness. From managing teacher gifts to preparing for summer vacations, they discuss it all while emphasizing the importance of self-care. Alix shares her newfound habit of morning journaling, while Nicole prioritizes her daily walks, proving that finding just one thing to focus on can make all the difference. Join them as they navigate the whirlwind of May and share their unsolicited advice for surviving the busiest month of the year.
In this episode, we talk about the following:
1. The busyness of May aka "Maycember".
2. Kids' activities including concerts, sports, school parties, field trips, and graduations.
3. Maintaining self-care habits during busy times.
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Welcome to the Don't Call Me Midlife podcast. I'm Nicole and I'm Alex. We're your coffee-addicted, wine-loving, amazon-obsessed mom squad. Think of us as your new besties, but with a podcast. And, just like you, we're navigating the Google-defined chaos of midlife while wrangling a pack of boys. But here's the twist we're more than just moms and wives. We're on a mission to reclaim our identities beyond motherhood, and we're bringing you along for the wild ride. Now, we don't pretend to have all the answers to life's mysteries, but we're so good at learning and laughing our way through them. So, whether you're sipping from your trusty Stanley, indulging in an oat milk latte from Starbucks or raising a glass of Whispering Angel, get ready to hang with us. Together. We'll keep it real, have some laughs and remind you that this crazy journey called life is one adventure worth sharing. Okay, if you're listening, I just want to say thank you, because this is mid May and we know how busy it is. And so welcome to the shit show of May, which I think is the busiest month of the entire year. As a mom, as a mom, let me just put that out there. Wait, didn't they have the term Nicole? Oh, my gosh, may-cember. Yes, yes, yes, I'll take December, though I'll take the madness of December over May-cember. You will, I don't know. I go back and forth, I don't know, I don't know, but it is definitely it's Maycember. It is literally everyone I talk to Nicole, from you, to friends from here, from friends from college like everyone is saying they're busy. Every single one of my girlfriends is like I'm so busy and it's all good busy. Right, we are good busy, but it is like I'm not. I don't think we're complaining at all, it's just all the things that happened this month have got to happen. Like, so it is. It is crazy, yes, yes, and I, you know, there are things that I've been putting in place, like walking and eating healthy, and I don't want it to get derailed from here on out because that's easy for me, it's easy for me to fall off the track. So with that that's what's in my cup I have a brain boosting protein smoothie. You know, I got. You know it's. I don't even know what time is it. It's 1230 here and I've already gotten 7,200 steps in, so I'm really trying to maintain 72. Hold on, I'm going to check my aura ring and I'm going to see what I've done. You've right. Wait, it's 1230. Wow, I am. Well, it's 1230 in Colorado. Yeah right, I only have I'm looking at my aura ring I only have. Let's see, I only have 6,000. 6,000. Not bad. Well, I had to. Um, I have to get my steps in cause.
Speaker 1:I'm doing this challenge with Stacey buzz. Oh, you are, I know, I know she is so cute, you guys are so cute. I can't wait. I don't want to lose my 40 bucks. Oh, oh, okay, there's money on the line. Maybe I should have done that. Uh, you have like, uh, mine is. You know what Excitement excitement I am going to say this month is.
Speaker 1:I love December, like December is great, but I do love this month because it's almost like a precursor to the summer, and I really love the summer and I have some fun summer plans, and so it's like I'm pre-gaming for the summer. This month I still have Baker gets out. I'm pre-gaming Baker gets out, um, um, end of May, like your boys do, but my other kids don't get out till end of June. So I still I have one that's going to be here in a month, and then I've got the two more that are going to. I've got eight weeks left of school. So it's a little bit different situation. It's so nice that you get to be home with Baker and just have like that that time alone, because it's been hard like this past year. So, yeah, it has.
Speaker 1:I just signed him up for driver's ed, nicole, I didn't even tell you this. Like the permit situation, yeah, I don't even know what it is. I was like texting with a guy from the driving school and I have no idea what he's saying. So I just signed up after a skinny Marg on Saturday night, him for driving school. So it's going to work out. It's going to be great. It's going to be great.
Speaker 1:I know you can take driver's ed here in Colorado at 14 years, 10 months and so, yeah, so that would make that, would make it June for us for Tasso to take driver's ed. Yeah, I think that's too young. It's young, but think of all the experience that he would get, like the pre-drive time. But when do you get your license there? When do you get your license? Probably 16. Oh, I see, I think we get. We get our permit here at 16. You can, and then you get your license at. You can at 16 and a half, but I don't think you can actually drive like other kids around until 17.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm not sure, I don't know all the details, but I'm trying to figure out. I'd have to talk to you. Know, safety first, jerry. He didn't even want them getting bicycles when they were little. So like, yes, I mean when you're married to a trauma surgeon like they, just that's true. He is very like safety first.
Speaker 1:It's funny because Alex and I did have this conversation, nicole, about driving, because Baker goes to boarding school, like why does he need his license? Like should we? And then someone was sort of like chiming into this conversation saying there's so many kids now not getting their licenses and it's like they're losing this sense of responsibility. Right, I mean I remember turning 16 was like the best day of my life and wanting to do that, but because of Uber, because of all these things, it's causing the kids to not get their license. But it also goes into, you know, having a real sense of responsibility, right, cause driving is a responsibility which is interesting.
Speaker 1:Independence, I mean I just wanted independence. I mean I was like Sia, I'm going to get an iced tea, like by myself. When Lipton was in glass bottles it was my thing. But no, my oldest really wants, he just really wants it. I mean, he's very independent and I don't know about the other two, but I do hear a lot of ladies like mention that you know my kid's 17 and they don't want their license. Why, why? Yeah, I think I think we do it. I think Baker can't have a car at school or anything, but I think I think it is really good because he does have that full month where he's going to work on his, you know, torn ACL. He's going to work on working out and do driving school before we go away, um, for a little bit this summer. So, but, we deter, we get down a tangent Um, and that's okay. So, what do you have? Tell me what you have going on this month. So, so what do you have? Tell me what you have going on this month. Tell me, just like, what you have, okay, so, um, I don't know.
Speaker 1:We have concerts at school, yes, at the end of the year, which I don't like. I hope no one's listening. But those are like I, I just I love everything about being a mom, but like, maybe because we're not musically inclined or it's just so forced right, like even the singing, the concert, I'm like, oh God, like nails on a chalkboard. That's not good of me, but I just it's not my fave thing. It's not my fave thing, but we do it, we do it Right. He plays a baritone, like honestly, do you even know what that is? It's like that big thing that, like it looks like a tuba. Oh, that's an instrument. I thought you were saying like it was a voice level. No, I don't even know what that is. Baronet, baronet, I don't know Whatever. Obviously we're not really into it. But so concerts, concerts, we have, um, what else do we have? Sports like tennis stuff, Um, I don't know.
Speaker 1:And the school parties, yeah, and field trips like that, oh, that's around, yeah, and my birthday, yeah, birthdays this month, yes, oh, we just had Mother's Day. Yep, we just had Mother's Day, so that's always smack dab into May-cember. Yeah, I don't know, there's lots of birthdays, I feel like, in May. So what is that? June, july, august? Lots of people are busy in August, just in the summer, fun. So, yeah, that's what we've got going on. And then my kids are out of school May 22nd.
Speaker 1:So I have to get my summer stamina, like I'm, I'm, I'm prepping, like, trying to get ready for, like, just to go, go, go, you know, the pool parties and all that. So you're still pre-gaming, you have time. You have time to pre-game, don't worry. Prepare for the best summer ever, Nicole. Right, I feel like that's so like what I would try to do, like those summer bucket lists when my kids were little, right, and now I'm like I think like there's months there I mean not months there's weeks where no one has signed up for camp and my kids are actually okay with it, cause do you find your kids, as they get older, they actually want the downtime. Right now I'm not going to let them like be on screens, but at the same time they can entertain themselves. But I don't have to have like let's go into the museum of science or let's go to a park, right, like there's just.
Speaker 1:I feel like my boys are lately into just. They're like mom, just keep it simple. Keep it simple, you know, and that is not my philosophy. My philosophy is more is more. So that is hard to do, but I think the things kids teach us, right, yes, they do teach me all the time, especially mama boys, but keeping it, you know, just simple. And they do want to chill, because our kids are go, go, go all the time Right, and yeah, I mean school's intense sports are intense, I think for sure. Yeah, I think when they're little, all that like energy, you just need to like get out of the house or the house turns into like a tornado, like a Tasmanian devil just went through it, and I don't know. It's fun to give them those experiences as well.
Speaker 1:But like, at this age, like I don't know, I can see it in mine when my youngest is 10 and he still like wants to go to the aquarium where my 14 year olds like I just need, I just need a day, like I just want to rest, and I'm just like, okay, well, you can't be on your PlayStation all day, but he's like you know he doesn't even want to be on it as much as he has in the past. But yeah, I mean I don't mind when they have their down days too. But sometimes I'm like, okay, well, this is boring, let's go do something. I know, I know the sleeping in too, like Baker does tend to sleep in Walker's like middle sleeping in, and John definitely like wakes up at like 630 every morning, I swear. So it's like ready to make his egg sandwich for the day so he can make, maybe he can make breakfast. But I think finding that balance for each family of between camps and family trips and activities as these kids get older is important and every summer is going to be the best summer for them. I mean, give me a break. Yeah, I know I want to be our kids. I know right, I had a good summer growing.
Speaker 1:I had good summers growing up and they weren't like chock full of like activities. No, we went away. I lived in New Jersey and we went away to Cape Cod every summer and I either had a job or was a camp counselor at a day camp. Listen to this this camp that they sent us all to in Sagamore beach, massachusetts. It was a day camp, nicole. The hour of the camp was 9 am to 1. As a mom, that's like a half day. That's all the camp we got. That is only half a day. That is not okay. I don't know how my mom survived with three kids doing that. Wait a second, they were raising us a little differently. You probably walked to camp. You're right, that was like an hour. That's a whole different ball of wax. Now we're like drop off car line, like nobody has to wait for anything. And, yeah, no different times. No, it was awesome. My best friend Jesse and I, we would ride our bikes it probably took a good 45 minutes to friendlies friendlies like ice cream and and ride the bikes back. There was not a real like, there was not a lot of hovering around, what we were doing, it was, it was. It was a good community to do that.
Speaker 1:But now do you have any graduations this year? Because graduations are big in May and June, right? Yeah, no, actually. I mean, my oldest is going from ninth to 10th, so there's no, like last year that we had the eighth grade graduation, which was big, and then my middle one. No, he's going from seventh to eighth and then fourth to fifth, so we don't have any any school graduations and my nieces and nephews are all in college. So, no, oh wait, I do have a niece. I do have a niece, ava. She's graduating um Michigan state, so she's trying to get into law school. So that's awesome, but unfortunately we're not going to be able to um, we're not going to be there to help celebrate her, but that's. That would be the only thing that we have. How about you guys? This is a big graduation year. I mean not big, you know, I've got a fifth grade graduation right, which, as my third child, nicole, he is missing.
Speaker 1:They have a clap out. They like do a clap out. I think that happened during COVID. Well, he's not going to be there, Nicole, because he's going to sleep away camp early, cause in Massachusetts our school doesn't account for snow days, so we have all these. We had an electrical day, we had snow day, so he actually the last day of school is on a Friday.
Speaker 1:I am dropping him off at camp on Tuesday, so he will miss his clap out, but I am doing a little fun graduation party for him and I do this for each of my kids and it's so cute Cause they're all so different. And I'm getting one of those water slides in my backyard. And then, you know he's most excited about Nicole is the snow cones. He's like he's like telling Baker, he's like you're going to be home Cause we're going to have snow cones. I'm like I don't even know how this machine's going to work, but we're going to make it work. And oh my God, that's so fun. He is inviting just 10 boys over and I was like, do you want to invite any girls? And he's like no. He's like so thrilled.
Speaker 1:And then so I've got fifth grade and then Walker is graduating from eighth grade, which Baker graduated from eighth grade. That'll be, yeah right, you'll be in the same boat. So Baker graduated eighth grade during COVID, which was like on a zoom, and we did a graduation. So, um, when Walker graduated fifth grade, we had like a fun DJ party, which was a little extreme, but that's sort of more of his personality and their group of friends and you know. So this year we have a bunch of families doing, um, a fun, similar party, cause, all you know, a lot of the parents are friends, the kids are friends, you know, I mean. So it's just, it's a, it's one of those. You know, each class has its personality. I think this is more of the the party class, I guess. Does that make sense? Yes, I love all those ideas. Usually I just leave, I leave it up to like one of the moms, like you, and we just show up. Oh my God, what can I bring? Yes, I love it, I love you, moms, we are we, we, we love you too, cause we need, do need, people to show up. Yeah, we are doing for this eighth grade party, we are going to include the parents, right, and have them come for a cocktail or something. So so I do have eighth grade graduation, and then we're leaving for a trip the next day after graduation. So it's going to be that is going to be a crazy week in mid-June, but I am preparing for all of that, so it's not crazy, so that I can enjoy it, right.
Speaker 1:And do I have birthdays? Yeah, we have Baker's birthday this month, in May. He's turning 16. And then, yeah, I'm a Gemini. Are you a Gemini, I? And then, yeah, I'm a Gemini. Are you a Gemini? I'm a Taurus. Oh, but you're like borderline, right? No, I don't know, I think. I mean I'm at the end of Taurus. I'm definitely I'm not like on the cusp. I think that's like May 20th or something. Okay, because I'm a Gemini, excuse me Right, because my sister-in-law is may 22nd and she's a gemini. Okay, baker's a gemini, right, because I'm june 7th. So we have, we have birthdays to each other. He's a gemini. Yeah, yeah, oh, okay, yeah, okay. So we both have birthdays, which is sort of fun.
Speaker 1:Do you do anything fun for your birthday? Do you like to celebrate, do you not? I mean, I try, yeah, no, I like to celebrate my birthday, for sure. Okay, usually I'll like go on a little trip with friends. I'm not sure what this year looks like. We have some things that may be happening and we just we're just kind of like it's like a holding. We're in a holding zone right now, so, yeah, but I'll do something like with my girlfriends here, like out to dinner or something, and then Jerry always does something really sweet, like gets the kids involved, and then I don't know, it's usually like I'll do something, but it's low key. I'm just low key, Right, like I'll do something, but it's low key. I'm just low key, right.
Speaker 1:No, I like that, but I like acknowledging it. Alex, alex mentions in their house growing up that they acknowledge birthdays, but it wasn't like that big of a deal, which is funny. Like my house was the same. I don't know where I got this like thing where I want to celebrate birthdays, right. Um, that I just like. I love it, but um, but yeah, maybe you should take a girl's trip to Boston. I would love to take a girl's trip to Boston. Everyone's dying to meet you. Come for my birthday. I'm doing something fun, so you should come for it. I'm going to send you the invite. Yes, that would be like a perfect opportunity to like get away, be like Jerry. It would, it would. But between you know, recitals, graduations we just had mother's day Um, what else is in this month?
Speaker 1:Uh, teacher gifts. Are you doing that? Oh my gosh. Yes, okay, okay, yes, thank you for reminding me I I have some ideas for you. Oh my gosh, give the ideas, because I'm sure our listeners want to know exactly what your ideas are. I know you have really cute, like Pinterest-y ideas and I absolutely love it. I love it.
Speaker 1:So when our kids get older I think we talked about this in one episode as they get older, you don't give as many gifts, right? Because you just you can't give everybody a gift like that or the class gift. I always give something else besides the class gift, but I recently shared on my Instagram I did something with a gift card for Duncan. I think if you just look up on Etsy, etsy is my like gold standard for everything and they have so many things that you can just download and you could personalize it like love the blank family and just give a gift card to show your appreciation, write a note card in the back for like $2. You can do a download and you edit it and it's like in Canva or one of those things. Okay, now you're going to laugh when I ask you this and I'm literally embarrassed to ask you this because I feel like this is, you know, kindergarten level knowledge that I should have.
Speaker 1:But okay, so you, you have the template from Etsy and it's like, you know, it's like the Duncan one, but let's just say that, like, the top is curved, like how do you print it? Do you go to look at your face? I didn't know what you were going to ask Nicole. I was like, what is it? I hope she doesn't ask how to edit it. Um, no, I can edit it.
Speaker 1:But when it comes to printing, like, do you buy a certain card stock, do you cut it? Do you take it to um, I don't know FedEx and have them do it? Like what? Yes, that is, that's a good question, cause, I know, cause a lot of those tags can be super cute, but my cutting skills are not that great and then it'll bother me if I did it. So it depends what it is, um, but usually I will bring it to we have a UPS here or a FedEx Kinko's. I will send it to them and have it printed, because, like my Duncan, it's on a cardstock and so I just had them cut it. And then you just use a glue what is it? A glue dot and you put the gift card on. So those are super easy.
Speaker 1:So I think, going through another party and doing it unless you, you know what's really fun when my kids were little I would have them cut those out, but now that my kid, they barely. They don't even know what I'm giving the teacher, so it doesn't matter. So what do you do for middle school? Do you do anything for middle school or is this just for John's class? Well, the Duncan cards were actually for Baker's school, cause I'm not going to be there for teacher appreciation. So I went and gave one to every conference for John's school.
Speaker 1:What I'm doing is my go-to lately is marking Graham. I love, love, love everything at marking Graham. So I got these there I'm sitting on I already ordered them. Sitting on my dining room table is where it's like my gift closet. Um, they have these bags that are waterproof, that are really cute, and I just put their first and last initial on it and then I'm going to fill it with like little things, probably like a Duncan card probably, like scoop super goops on screen, you know sort of my favorite summary things.
Speaker 1:Um, and that's what I'm going to do. That's what I'm going to do for those teachers, I think. I think that's. I like to give gifts where that they're going to use it. I actually got the principal of our middle school a personalized Amber mug. Amber mug Is it the Amber or the Amber? You know those ones that are like heated up, oh, amber, yeah, oh, that's, that's very nice. Well, I also, since I'm doing a lot of volunteering, I know him very well. That's not a usual teacher gift that I would do, but I think that's that's. I work with him as the PTO chair and so I really have worked with him closely for the past two years. So I'm excited about that. Um, but I love Mark and Graham for all their. They have so many good um deals lately like, um, good sales, that I like them.
Speaker 1:What do you do? Yeah, are you getting ideas, nicole? I'm getting ideas. No, I mean usually. Okay, I was way better. I was a lot more like you. I was the class mom or whatever before we moved to Colorado. And when we moved to Colorado, the pandemic hit and I just kind of fell out of it. And then we've switched schools so many times and I just kind of I fell out of it and then we've we've switched schools so many times that I just I don't know, um, haven't done it nearly as much as I used to, but I like to give a gift to the teacher, um, just like you, like something personalized and then, and fill it with some goodies. But I would also get little gifts for the teachers um, not the teachers, like the ladies at the front desk just like a little something, like just a little $5, like something to acknowledge them or whatever. I think that's sweet, just to like they're being noticed. I did, you know, um, my sister has that toffee company and her husband anchor toffee, which is really great. One year I did a little package of that, cause it looks like an ice cream container, like a pint container. I did coffee and toffee and then I did a little like Starbucks or um Duncan card, which is fun, Right, yeah, that is cute, okay, well, talking about, you know, gifts for other people and sort of that thing.
Speaker 1:My question you mentioned the beginning, nicole, about taking care of yourself. You're on this like good path of you know good habits, so do you have any advice, I mean for our listeners or maybe me how, what are, what are you going to do to sort of stay on track? Because I feel like in the craziness of this Maycember, or when we are crazy, the first thing that always goes is taking care of us, right, when it should be the first thing at the forefront, like, honestly, forget the teacher gift, take care of yourself. This is, this is like my midlife philosophy. So what are you going to do? What are a couple of things you're going to do to stay on track?
Speaker 1:You joined Stacy's walk-a-thon or what's. I don't know what it's called. Oh, my gosh, what does she call it? I can't remember what she called it, but, yes, so I'm doing that. I'm just making sure I'm getting my steps in, just just for now, until my schedule clears up. But that that's my main focus, because I want to win the pot. I want to win the pot, right, right and and just and. Just keep that going and then, um, instead of, like, maybe one hour walks, I'll just, you know, scale it back and do some workouts, but I think, um, just keeping up with my clean eating, just making sure I mean, I'm not um so good at like tracking macros right now, but right now I'm just trying to make the healthiest choices yeah, the healthiest choices and eating foods that make me feel good, like that don't like give me inflammation.
Speaker 1:But I think my number one thing is just walking. Right now, I mean 10,000 steps. That's my goal and it's like I have to be intentional, like there's goal and it's like I have to be intentional, like there's our word right. No, you have to be To get 10,000 steps. You cannot. You have to actually plan out a walk or you have to be like doing crazy errands. Girl, like I don't know, yeah, but maybe it's thinking about but I do.
Speaker 1:I try to get that in first and then go about my day and then, like, at the end of the day, if I have some time, I'll do my little, like a walk after dinner. But just the mornings are mine. Like I'll do all the crazy you know shit show stuff later, but like in the morning, that is my time to get my things done and have it just. It just like gives me clarity too. Well, it's how you, how you start your day, really really matters, and I think we learned that as we get older, it's not just checking off your to-do list. Yes, there are certain things we have to make our bed, we have to cook, we have to make breakfast for the kids or whatever, unless you're John Mackey, but um, but then. But really doing something for you, um, I I think you're going to be shocked when I tell you what is one of my new habits that I've been doing.
Speaker 1:That, I realized, is I needed a little downtime in the morning, so I started journaling for five minutes. Get out. I know, I know You're journaling without me. Why didn't you tell me I do, I do and, um, I journal while John makes his egg sandwich. I do it, I do it before because I want to be present with him. But I was realizing starting your day out with your emails or all this stuff, like everyone says, it would sort of start you out on already like an anxious note. So, like you're saying, like your walk, I don't have that motivation in the morning to get dressed, to be totally honest yet, but I will sit there and just drink coffee and just journal about whatever for five minutes and it has really just helped me start my day on a better note, just like your walk. So find something, ladies, and just maybe just focus on that one thing, right, it doesn't have to be all the things like we say. So I love that. I wish I was next door to walk with you. I know I need a walking partner. That's what maybe will get me motivated in the morning.
Speaker 1:I will not get dressed at 6 am. No, I have to. So I have to take my kids to school yeah, you do. It's a half hour drive. I have to be dressed in case I got to get out and use the ladies room on the way home. So like not driving in my pajamas. So I just get home and I go. That's good in my pajamas. So I just get home and I go. I don't let anything else stop me. I like that. So, nicole, what time is it? It's my favorite time. It is unsolicited advice time.
Speaker 1:So for Maycember, what is your unsolicited advice? Find that one thing and stick to it. Like mine is walking, yours is journaling. For now, whether it's like I know my friend Stacy is like walking, getting her 15 minutes in in the morning before coffee. I don't know if that's every day or just on the weekends, but that's her thing. So my thing is getting home from drop-off and like grabbing the dog leash and going. So that is just do it. Set that for yourself. Who cares about the teacher gifts? Who cares about the teacher gifts? Call me, call me, I'll help you. Go to it's Tradish to get all things. Alex advice, I mean I love it. I mean she'll give you all the ideas, yep, all the fun and festive ideas. I am there for it. I'm super excited about it.
Speaker 1:I think that my advice would probably be this is Maycember and it is crazy, but take a moment to sort of see the end game, right, and this is I talk a lot about like the reason for your season, right, like what's the reason for your season? You wanna be present. I mean, I know that's at least for me, so a lot of times we can get caught up in this daily minutiae and thinking about at the end of May it's not that far away how do you wanna feel, right? Do you wanna say that you are present with your kids and maybe some of those things like we're joking about the teacher gifts. But that's just one example of like can something be put off your plate, right? And really focusing on being there for yourself, being there for your friends and being there for your family. So I think that's important. So that's a little advice for myself too. That's what I'm trying to do.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I know, I mean, sometimes it's unsolicited advice is out there for you, but it's also for us too, like we got it's like a reminder, like if you say it, then it's out in the world. Out in the world. Yeah, Good juju. Yes, yes, all right, now go do all your stuff. All right, talk to you soon.
Speaker 1:Bye, and that's a wrap for today's episode of Don't Call Me Midlife. We hope you had as much fun as we did. Absolutely, your support means the world to us. If you're just waiting in the carpool line, don't forget to follow the show, and if you're feeling extra spicy today, leave us a rating and review Before we part ways. We've got a special invitation for you Join our newsletter to stay in the loop with all things midlife, magic, bonus content and more. Head on over to the show notes for how to sign up. We can't wait to keep the conversation going. And, of course, remember, in the whirlwind of life and motherhood, don't forget to fill up your own cup first. You're extraordinary and your journey is worth every moment. Until next time, cheers.