Don't Call Me Midlife
Join Alix and Nicole, the coffee-addicted, wine-loving, Amazon-obsessed mom squad, as they take you on a hilarious and heartfelt journey through the ups and downs of mid-life. With six boys and a knack for keeping it real, these two friends bring you more than just mom tales – they're on a mission to help you reclaim your identity beyond motherhood.
Discover the joy of embracing mid-life with these relatable hosts who are keen to learn, grow, and laugh along with their listeners. From navigating Pinterest-worthy fashion to mastering the art of leggings, from meal planning to avoiding life's chaos, they've got you covered.
But here's the kicker – they don't have all the answers, and they're proud of it. Alix and Nicole are in the trenches right alongside you, sharing their genuine experiences and bringing you along as they learn and laugh their way through life's twists and turns.
So grab your favorite drink, whether it's a trusty Stanley, an oat milk latte from Starbucks, or a glass of Whispering Angel, and prepare to be entertained, inspired, and empowered. Don't Call Me Mid-Life is the podcast where the fun begins, and mid-life gets a whole lot cooler.
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Don't Call Me Midlife
Spring Spruce-Up: Revamp Your Home, Inside and Out
In this episode of "Don't Call Me Midlife," Alix and Nicole guide you through a spring refresh for your home and life. From decluttering tips to fashion hacks, we've got you covered. Laugh with us as we share spice rack audits and practical advice on streamlining storage and mastering meal prep. Join us for a fun-filled journey to make your spring sparkle with practical wisdom and laughter.
In this episode, they talk about the following:
1. The importance of decluttering, and maintaining a clean and organized space.
2. Updating one's wardrobe for the spring season.
3. Skincare routines and products suitable for the changing weather.
Mentioned in the episode:
White dress: https://rstyle.me/+JYjOLM7_fLo0g_AL8uwTew
Salad bowl: https://amzn.to/3IUFi0s
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Welcome to the Don't Call Me Midlife podcast.
Speaker 2:I'm Nicole and I'm Alex. We're your coffee-addicted, wine-loving, Amazon-obsessed mom squad. Think of us as your new besties, but with a podcast.
Speaker 1:And, just like you, we're navigating the Google-defined chaos of midlife, while wrangling a pack of boys.
Speaker 2:But here's the twist we're more than just moms and wives. We're on a mission to reclaim our identities beyond motherhood, and we're bringing you along for the wild ride.
Speaker 1:Now, we don't pretend to have all the answers to life's mysteries, but we're so good at learning and laughing our way through them.
Speaker 2:So, whether you're sipping from your trusty Stanley, indulging in an oat milk latte from Starbucks or raising a glass of Whispering Angel, get ready to hang with us Together.
Speaker 1:we'll keep it real have some laughs and remind you that this crazy journey called life is one adventure worth sharing.
Speaker 2:Hey Alex, how are you? I'm good. I am so excited about this episode about spring cleaning. It is getting nicer in Boston and I love an opportunity to change things up and to clean stuff and to organize stuff, so I'm psyched.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean, I love it. I'm always organizing things and doing things, I'm always tidying, but like certain things in my house get, you know, stacked up and a little bit I don't want to say cluttered, but um, you know, just it's a little over overflowing, like my closet or the pantry yes Time for a refresh. It is. I mean I do a Sunday reset, but it's not the same you need you need, like a deeper one.
Speaker 2:A deeper one. Um, before we get started on this topic, what is in your cup today?
Speaker 1:Oh, I have some delicious Earl Grey tea. I'm just keeping it simple. Um, it is not really getting warmer here in Colorado. I would say it's not getting consistency. It's a. It's a little chilly today, so, um, just some hot tea. How about you? Do you have anything fun?
Speaker 2:Well, I've got two things in my cup. I have excitement about this episode and I have been trying to, you know, eat more protein, drink more protein, whatever way I can get it in right, because we're supposed to do that in midlife. And my trainer told me about this drink called it's Chobani complete. It's like a smoothie and it's lactose free, so she says, it doesn't hurt your tummy as much and it has 20 grams of protein, mixed berry vanilla by Chobani, and I love it, so it's just something you can also take on the go. So I am loving that right now. But I also have lots of excitement for this episode.
Speaker 1:I love, I love a smoothie, but, yes, I'm as equally excited as you. But let's let me tell you something. Yeah, I have one spot in my house that I cannot keep like organized and I don't know. I don't think you're like this, but it's my, it's my refrigerator and I don't know if you have. Do you have a problem with keeping your refrigerator organized?
Speaker 2:So I used to. I know exactly what you're saying, until I think it was you that sent me that reel. It was. This whole fridge was really organized, I think she had like a salad, do you remember? That reel. She had a salad bar in her fridge.
Speaker 1:Yes, I was like.
Speaker 2:I was like Jeezy Pete's, how is she doing this? So that reel actually motivated me to organize my fridge and I researched. I contacted my organizer, who I love, caitlin, and was sort of like, okay, if I don't buy the same stuff all the time, necessarily right, like a pantry, how do you organize it? And she said you have to go by. Um, I was going to say departments, what is the word?
Speaker 2:I'm looking for Categories of food, yeah, so, so and I think we all would have known what you were going to say departments in your, in your, in your fridge, and so it's sort of the way we organize anything. Everything has a spot right. I also realized, nicole, when I, when I did this project, I went through all of my expired stuff I did. It's a big, big clean out which is perfect for the spring right. This is a good project for everybody and it you feel so good. I also realized there was so much stuff in my fridge that I didn't need right, like two jars of chili sauce, like you know.
Speaker 2:I mean just like repeats of stuff and then things that I just buy that I realized that we're not really eating. So I got rid of basically half my stuff and then I put in categories and I also have containers for certain things. So I have I think container store has. Really, if you look up refrigerator at container store they have like an egg tray that is like really satisfying to put your eggs in.
Speaker 1:I have to say um it's one of those little things that I love to do?
Speaker 2:I'm like who's going to put the eggs in? Um, I also have clear bins of like dairy, and then I, on my top shelf, I'm like who's going to put the eggs in? I also have clear bins of dairy and then on my top shelf I have leftovers and then I put meat somewhere. So everything sort of has a place, and I feel like that has helped me. So I think you need to literally take everything out of your fridge, nicole, and do a reboot reset. It is the spring renewal. You need to do that.
Speaker 1:Yes, I think that's genius and I never really thought about putting things in certain places. But you had a professional come in Like my closet. I had a professional come in and do my closet almost two years ago and everything is still in its place and I like know where to like put things. I don't even have to think about it. So, yeah, um, I think that's smart.
Speaker 2:It's about that consistency Same with your closet, same with your fashion, same with your, you know, your food. I do do a kitchen clean or a fridge clean every Sunday, so I do make that a habit to go do that. Now, if you saw my closet, it is not so great and I did have someone organize it, so okay. So we're each going to give our little tips for sort of spring cleaning right, for meal planning, meal prepping, fashion and some skincare right we talked about before, and just sort of three things that each of us would recommend.
Speaker 1:You know that you could do in the spring Little takeaways. This is like an educational episode what you can do to improve your environment. In this case, yes, okay.
Speaker 2:So these are things that you can do. Set aside. You know, some of these things take 30 minutes. Some will take an hour, so it can take a couple of days, but it will be worth it. Because when we do projects like this, we feel so proud. Then I, you know, every time I actually this is silly, like this, we feel so proud. Then I, you know, every time I actually this is silly. But I look in my fridge I'm like happier. I'm like 1% happier, whatever they say you know?
Speaker 2:And so I like to do that and I'm proud of that. So what would be if someone was wondering about their closet right? If yours is a mess like mine, what would be one of the tips Like how, what, what do you? What would you recommend this spring to do? If we were going to do one thing?
Speaker 1:Oh, just one thing in your closet. Hmm, yes, Um, geez.
Speaker 1:I want to give more tips, but I think I think, taking out the winter out of your closet and maybe putting them in bins. I just recently started doing this, um, probably about three years ago. So I would take out everything that was winter related, from shoes to sweaters, even like denim, that I typically would only wear in the winter. Um, I'm trying to think of some other things. I take out accessories like scarves and hats, just so when I walk into my closet it just looks fresh and like not as overwhelming.
Speaker 1:I had a lot of things when I first started doing this that I just hadn't even worn. You know, when I was, when I was younger, I had a friend that wore a different shirt every single day. She had one of those like those polo button downs shirt. Every single day. She had one of those like those polo button downs, you know, um, the long sleeve ones. She was so preppy but she had. She never wore the same shirt twice and I was like almost envious of it because I didn't have a big closet, my mom hated shopping and she hated spending money on clothes, and so it was really hard for me because I just had a big appetite for like fashion and style.
Speaker 1:So I think, you know, as I've gotten older and can spend my money on whatever it almost became like. I don't want to use the word hoarding, but I would. I just didn't throw things away. I liked to see the big closet but honestly I didn't wear most of it. So so, um, you know. So I just personally like to have like a clean closet that's just seasonal, ready and it's like so I'll keep two seasons in at a time, so I'll do spring, summer and then I'll do fall winter.
Speaker 2:What if your closet can hold more or you don't have as many clothes for one season? So you say, if you have a closet, hold one season right, depending on the size of your closet right For some of the ladies listening or if you can also do two seasons, you don't recommend all four seasons in your closet at once. Is that what you're saying?
Speaker 1:I mean, if you have the closet space, by all means. This is just. This is something that I do, and I find that it's easier. It's easier to pick out outfits when it's not so overwhelming. So.
Speaker 2:I like that. I like that. What if you're? What's your advice for? Okay, so I'm going to go through my closet and I've got my winter stuff. Do you have a rule of thumb that's like, if I didn't wear it that season, I can keep it, or should I get rid of it? Or like, is there an amount of time where you feel like, if I haven't worn it in XYZ years, it's time to go?
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Like what do you mean?
Speaker 1:I think, I think, like true experts, like you know, with organizing, they say um, if you haven't worn it in six months, revisit it and then, if you haven't, worn it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but to me that's. I thought it seems a little odd, because seasons are like that long, like the two seasons. Right, maybe that's more like basics that you have in your closet, but, um, but if you haven't worn it in over a year, or at least one season, um, maybe it's time to let it go, or you put it away and then you come back to it.
Speaker 1:Right, so I put all my winter sweaters um, you know, in a bin and then I put it like in the storage room, so I just have, um you know, spring, and then, when winter rolls around again, I have some sweaters that I have not worn this year, and when I think about it, I may have only worn it once last year, so it may be something that I'm either going to, I'm going to take a look at it, I may donate it, but if it's in good condition, I'm going to take it to a consignment store and see if I can get a little cash for it.
Speaker 2:So diamond store and see if I can get a little cash for it. So I like what you're saying, Nicole, because I also think use this opportunity even if maybe your closet can fit four seasons, use it as an opportunity to go through your stuff, right, Because it definitely helps. I think it's the same, like I was saying, sort of with the fridge unless you go through it, there's things hidden and you know you get used to wearing the same things, eating the same food. Give yourself that opportunity to explore and sort of see what you have, because you may find something fun, because we know that the fashion trends come back right, so maybe you've got some bloomers hanging out in your closet that you want to wear again.
Speaker 1:I'm just kidding. Oh my gosh, free people and their fashion, I swear. So they did come out with like another bottom. I don't know if you saw it.
Speaker 2:It looks like a diaper.
Speaker 1:Yes, like a postpartum diaper.
Speaker 2:But do you think they're doing this as a joke? Do you think this is real? I don't think so.
Speaker 1:I think it's real. I think they came out with, like, the micro short line and this micro shorts.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't, but I think there's beginning to be a joke. God, I hope so. Have you been to the store, Cause I saw the bloomer Someone sent me something about at Anthro right? Have you been to these stores where you see these things in person?
Speaker 1:I have not seen any in person.
Speaker 2:Okay, I have not but we've seen people trying them on on instagram. But I don't. Yeah, like you have to like. Yeah, I don't know if someone has not seen these posts. Who's listening to this? If you need a good laugh where you may actually pee in your pants and you are in midlife, go to free people. The comments are hilarious.
Speaker 1:Yes, and sure they will be for sure. Okay, um, okay.
Speaker 2:So cleaning of the closet, seasonal switch yeah, I guess Do you do that with your kids too. Do you recommend doing that for your kids?
Speaker 1:my kids don't have enough of that stuff.
Speaker 2:No, they just stuff their stuff in drawers, um, and my oldest is always shopping and he's always going through different things and, like I don't know, he grows out of them too fast well, I was gonna say it could be an opportunity because since, well, my kids think it's, even though we in Boston they think it's summer the whole time, so they wear shorts 12 months out of the year. But thinking about this time going into spring and summer, before it gets too late, into the summer, where you need to buy new summer clothes, maybe going through your kids' stuff to making sure it fits, just pull it out. I try to have my kids do that when they put away their laundry just throw it in the hallway if they don't want it or it doesn't fit.
Speaker 2:But maybe if you have you know kids who don't do that. You can. You can sort of go through their stuff to see if it fits.
Speaker 1:I'm continuously doing that too, and then I noticed, like when their things are getting short but they don't want to get rid of it, I'll just remove it and then they forget about it. Um, but the only thing that I do like purchase ahead of time especially, is like the seasons shift, um, are like nicer clothes, like if I know we have an event coming up, yeah, um, and it's not too far out to where they might grow out of it. But, um, I think that's that's the only time I really really do like a closet audit or like look at what may have fit the oldest and if it will fit the middle one or the youngest, right. Those are the kind of things that I do. I just did a lot more when they were younger. Okay, yeah, well, they grew a lot quicker. Yeah, I agree.
Speaker 2:I totally agree, okay. So Nicole's number one tip is go through your closet, change it seasonally, go through your stuff. I think my number one tip would be sort of what we talked about in the beginning would be go through your pantry, go through your fridge, go through your freezer. Right, I went through my freezer a few weeks ago and honestly, it was a disaster and it took a half an hour. I timed myself because I want to tell people about this. It took a half an hour Again. I opened that freezer, super organized.
Speaker 2:If you organize your stuff, you're also going to save time because you're not fumbling through what you have. Is this meat okay? Is this okay? If you do this on a routine basis I don't do that with my freezer, I probably do it four times a year. And then my fridge. I do do every Sunday, but same with your pantry, looking at this stuff. You know you are going to if you spend that half an hour. Whatever time you have to do that, you are going to save time in the future. So your future self will thank you and it's a lot easier to meal plan. If you know what's in like, write it down. I write it down on a dry erase board what's in my freezer. So before I even do a grocery list, I go down there and I shop in my freezer. I look in my fridge, I look in my pantry. So do that first. Clean that all out, even if you have to wipe it down like how good would that feel? So good.
Speaker 1:It's so satisfying to open up your fridge or your pantry and it's just all organized. I mean, to me that's just like eye candy. Um, I have a question. How often do you look at your spices in like their expiration date? Do you have? Do you have them like in the original packaging? Do you have them in those glass containers? You know where you dump? Everything's just like the same.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's so funny. When I had my organizer help me with my kitchen, she wanted me to decant all of that. Oh, yes decant.
Speaker 2:You think that would be a hard yes. For me, now, that was a hard no, because you also want to make it sustainable. I also don't like using all those containers. I have a brand, it's called Morton and Bassett. Don't like using all those containers. I have a brand, it's called Morton and Bassett. Um, I buy them online. I love it's. It's a glass container, but they're organic spice. I think they're really really good. Um, so I will buy those. I use my spices all the time, nicole, so I am constantly buying new. I actually believe it or not. I don't have a ton of spices because I go through them so quickly and um, so, yeah, I, I think. But you should look at expiration dates. You can also tell by looking at the spices if they stick to the container and things like that. Um, so I would definitely go through your spices. I would say probably. I don't know how long spices last, but probably once a year go through an audit and see what you need.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know either. I feel like smelling them is. I don't know if that's like a tell-all sign, but like if they're not pungent then it's probably not, you know, going to be that flavorful, but I don't know.
Speaker 2:They are dehydrated, that's true, but again going through your spice rack having, I mean, go through it four times a year because, also, you're going to find spices in there, um, that you don't you may have not used, right? I just found the other day this like Cajun spice and I was like, huh, this would be really good on shrimp. So, by going through your stuff, cleaning it out, doing this audit, you're it's always going to be a positive, right? You're always going to find something useful. So taking the time to do that is really, really important. So go through. You've got a lot of work, ladies. So far We've only given you two tips.
Speaker 2:Go through your pantry, fridge and freezer. Okay, what's your number two tip for spring cleaning? Refresh.
Speaker 1:Maybe just add one new piece for your spring closet. I mean, that's really hard. Just one new piece please. Who just adds one piece?
Speaker 2:but well, but what, what, what's okay? I know one is hard, we cannot always limit ourselves to one. But if, if someone's listening and they've done their closet and they've been really diligent, but then they want to treat themselves Right, what I know, there's lots of fun, spring fashion out. But if there was one thing that was really versatile, that someone you would recommend someone buying and being happy about it, what would you say?
Speaker 1:Gosh, I would have to say a white dress. I mean I love. It is so classic, so timeless and I think whether you're preppy or a minimalist or you know edgy, you can find a white dress that would fit any of those categories and it's, it's just timeless. Um, you know, I think if you get a super trendy one, it may not last you through the years, but again, you never know if that trend is going to come back. So you know, tuck it away. But yeah, I think, just like a beautiful white dress that fits you. I mean, you can wear it to a barbecue I was going to say a shower, but you probably don't want to wear it to a shower. Can you wear white to a baby shower? I don't know, Probably right, Just not a bridal shower.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Not a bridal shower, but you know, I love that idea because the dress is such a versatile item now, I don't know what the proper word is Because I love wearing dresses with sneakers, right, yes, or you can dress it up with heels. All these dresses, find one that you can make casual. You can dress it up with heels. All these dresses, find one that you can. You can make casual, you can dress it up. You know, I love, I love that idea.
Speaker 1:You can throw a lightweight knit sweater over it and it looks like a skirt or an open cardigan you can wear. If you, if you find like a long maxi white dress, you can wear like one of those long like cashmere cardigans that like is just a little bit shorter and it just it looks beautiful and coastal and so many different ways to wear it. So, yeah, just one piece. I guess that would be my, that would be my um recommendation and if you have a white dress, if you have a white dress, pull it out, get another one, get one.
Speaker 2:And if you're looking for the perfect white dress, reach out to Nicola Touchestass on her Instagram, because she posted one from Nordstrom that I actually bought and it is a fabulous white dress and I think that one would fit any body type right? I know you talk a lot about body types. Am I an inverted triangle or a pair? I don't know. I'm an inverted triangle or a pair.
Speaker 1:I don't know. I'm an inverted triangle or a pair? Yeah, you're a triangle.
Speaker 2:A pair. Oh, I'm a real triangle, right, okay, yeah, yeah, Not inverted. I wish A handstand. You'll be when I'm in a handstand, that is me. But I think this dress, I think, would really look good on any body type. So reach out to Nicole if you want it. You can also link it in the show notes. So the white dress is in. Can't wait to see all the fun.
Speaker 1:White dresses Cream like a vanilla color. It doesn't have to be stark white, but just something light and airy.
Speaker 2:Yes, okay, alex, I'm dying to hear your second one, because I feel like all your tips are magical, especially the kitchen, you know it is hard to narrow it to three, but if you're going to do something else in your kitchen, I would say, go through your containers, and I think this is a personal thing that I need to do, because I get caught up buying lots of containers. I test a lot of containers. So, whether it's leftovers, whether you are doubling your recipes and you're freezing them, this has to do with you know, if you have tinfoil, if you have parchment paper, if you're using Ziploc bags, any sort of containers that you use, go through them and really, if you have not used it in this past season, donate it. I think that is a definite you are not going to wait.
Speaker 1:It's not like your closet where you need to wait a year.
Speaker 2:I think. If you haven't used it this winter, do it, you know, get rid of it. I've tried to really convert to some more glass containers, but I do have some plastic containers.
Speaker 2:I use containers for my meal prep all the time, also for on the go not just for storing leftovers or food, so figuring out ones, because we're coming into the spring and if you have kids that play spring sports, I get a lot of questions about what can I make for a dinner on the go, and those are usually room temperature or cold things. So make sure you have a container, make sure you have something like a little a good cooler or a freezer pack also, because if you're going to be, if you look at your spring and you're going to have a busy spring, um, you definitely want to invest in something like that.
Speaker 2:You know, I just got the um. I have to look at the brand. I'm brain dead. I got a really good. I'll send you the link, but it was a good salad um bowl kit that it has a um. It has a top on it where you can put the dressing in, and it is really really useful.
Speaker 1:Oh nice, Can you put the fork in there too?
Speaker 2:You can, you can. A lot of people send me container suggestions, so I tend to buy them, and so I'm going to look at that while we're talking yeah, we like to buy shit.
Speaker 1:I'm going to look at that while we're talking yeah, we like to buy shit.
Speaker 2:I'm going to look up the brand of this because it was a really good. Salads are such a good thing to bring in the summertime for yourself. I know not a ton of kids eat salad, but maybe they do Caesar salad. So yeah, I think I didn't go through your containers. You're going to thank yourself for it and donate anything that you're not going to use for sure.
Speaker 1:Anything that's stained, and if you can't find that lid, yes, oh, yes, that's good, go through the lids. Yeah, if you can't find the match, it's time to throw it away. Oh, you know what?
Speaker 2:Sorry, I just looked up on my phone it's the Swell. You know Swell makes those water bottles. They make a really good stainless steel salad bowl. Ooh and it's a good size, I love eating out of a stainless steel bowl. Yeah, so do I. I use mixing bowls for salads half the time when I when I'm doing it. So, um, so look at that. So that would be my second thing. Go through your containers. Lots of organization, Um, what is your third and final?
Speaker 1:tip for us. Third and final tip Okay, I'm going to talk about skincare. So you know, the weather's changing, our skin is changing, so I I would encourage you to take a look. Maybe you don't need those moisturizers that are as thick, um, and maybe you don't need a hydrating serum. Maybe you need excuse me, maybe you need more of like a brightening serum, which would be like a vitamin C or a niacinamide, or, you know, maybe you think you don't need SPF in the wintertime, but you do.
Speaker 1:But maybe starting to incorporate SPF back into your routine, so you can do a vitamin C serum and then just add, maybe like an L to MD tinted moisturizer and then you can walk out the door or, you know, if you wanted more coverage, you could just easily put on your foundation. But yeah, just looking at your skincare and this is like a different tip, but I'm just going to incorporate it to prolong the life of your skincare. Put it in the refrigerator. You know, you can get one of those like little mini fridges and keep it in your bathroom, like the teenagers do.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, I mean, we were doing that a long time ago when I was a makeup artist. We would tell people like, because they're like, I have a half a bottle of my, I just bought this foundation and now it's, like you know, summertime and I'm a different color, and we would say, put it in the refrigerator and then bring it out when you need it, so you can do that for foundation. Um, and then imagine how good. Yeah, just think about like waking up in the morning and your eyes are puffy and you put on your eye cream and it's nice and cool. Already it just feels good. Cool Skincare feels good.
Speaker 2:So okay, wait back up, because I've been to my friend's houses where they have those fancy fridges and I was like, wow, your daughter's pretty bougie. But I guess that's not so. So for someone like me that has no clue about the skincare, what are some of the things that, like you said, foundation, but can everything go in the fridge? Or what are the things that really like? Thrive, I guess, in the fridge?
Speaker 1:Um, moisture, I think, a lot of like liquids, like moisturizers, eye creams, um, I mean, I don't know that I would put any of the oils in there. I would really, I would really have to like, like research. I just think, like any oil in the fridge kind of gets a little hardened.
Speaker 2:Foundations, tinted moisturizers, ooh I think that's, I think that would be nice.
Speaker 1:I think Alex would die if all of a sudden a little pink fridge showed up in our bathroom.
Speaker 2:Well, you know, you do have a birthday coming up, so maybe I'm going to somebody got you a pink fridge.
Speaker 1:You don't want to return a gift.
Speaker 2:No, no, but I like, I like again. It's like a reset of you know, just reevaluating real quick what you're putting on, cause I know in the winter time for my nighttime lotion or I don't know what it's called overtime or overnight lotion it's really, really thick, so I don't know if I change that in the summertime. I'm gonna have to think about that.
Speaker 1:I don't really think I change my nighttime stuff too much, it's more of my daytime. I just use a lighter. I mean, that's everybody's got something you know their individual skincare needs. But um, um, yeah, I just, and it just feels really good to put on cold, cold cream. Remember Pond's cold cream.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, I was just thinking of that that is so funny. You know, I, I, I love this because I one of my favorite, um, one of my favorite must have products for me is what you're saying is tinted moisturizer. I don't leave the house without it. Really, it is like the one thing that I will put on and some lip gloss.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, go through your skincare yeah, go through your skincare. Get yourself a fridge Treat, treat yourself. Mine's something similar.
Speaker 2:It has to do with your recipes, right, and it's funny, cause we picked our three tips independently, but they're sort of similar in just different realms of what we do. Um, I would say refresh your recipes, right? I get a lot of questions about how do you store your recipes, right? Again, to save time, store them in one spot, if you are. I am more of a paper person when it comes to my recipes, so I do print them out when I see a recipe, and I have a folder that is called you know dream recipes like to be cooked, things I want to try. You know dream recipes like to be cooked, things I want to try.
Speaker 2:So, looking, you're coming into a season with such good, you know, fresh fruits and vegetables, especially where you live. Shop at your farmer's markets. Explore new foods. Use this opportunity to do that. There's a lot of fresh, new foods. Look up spring recipes. We're going to be grilling, we're going to be outside, you know, get those meats. You know, um, get those meats. Marinate those meats, freeze those meats. Take inventory of those meats, um. So look what's also on sale, you know, at your store, because a lot of more seasonal things will be on sale at your grocery store. So do a little refresh of your recipes, because we don't like to eat like a crock pot chili in July, because that's not happening.
Speaker 1:I mean, if you do good for you, go for it. Go for it, have a slice of spring peas with it.
Speaker 2:Yes, yes, yes, maybe a turkey chili. I actually don't use my crock pot as much in the summertime, but and I use it, you know, every other season, probably three times a week. But yeah, just add. Maybe add a new recipe to your rotation right, go on Pinterest, check it out, get a new cookbook. Um, it's a good opportunity to do that sort of not do the same recipes that you've always done, cause I know you can get in sort of a dinner rut this time of year.
Speaker 1:So yeah, yes, I think we should find spring recipes for the crock pot we should, we should.
Speaker 2:I'll have to think about you. Should I should? Okay, I will go. I mean it's easy, yeah.
Speaker 1:I do like to use the get on that on top of everything else. No, I do like to use the, the crock pot, like especially during spring sports, just because there's something to come home to, like chicken tacos or something, or like a braised, like some sort of braised meat. I know you don't like braised meat a lot, but, um, but, I don't, I don't, but I don't do it as often as I should. It just seems like the dump and go is so good for springtime, summer. I love to grill and it's like less, less. So, yeah, how do we get off topic?
Speaker 2:You could also do. Well, we're still talking about food.
Speaker 1:You could do, you can.
Speaker 2:There's lots of good soups that you can make in the crock pot, which which I think would be good for the spring, and just having something it is. It is good for the on the go. I'm a big fan of meatballs. Any you know I'm a huge fan of meatballs. Any you know, I'm a huge fan of meatballs um, any time of year. And I think that's such an easy dinner, last minute dinner. You can take frozen meatballs. You take a can of sauce or a jar of sauce, put it on the crock pot three hours on high, done that's what.
Speaker 1:I'm doing tonight and add your peas and pasta.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Only spring fruit or vegetable that I can think of right now. I know there's so many.
Speaker 2:There's asparagus, there's peas which my kids eat, none of you know also, even explore, like I feel, like lemon. You know lemon and citrus almost in the spring, is really good too. So doing some of that, yeah, I'll put some recipes, I'll look at some recipes for everybody. Thanks, alex. Yes, this was so fun. You got me so motivated to organize lots of things. But again, ladies, don't get overwhelmed. We're giving you all these tips, but you know what? Um, if you do one of these like, you're winning.
Speaker 2:If you don't do, any you're still winning If you just listen to this podcast. You're winning so uh so. So thanks for listening. We appreciate you. So, nicole, what?
Speaker 1:time is it? It's my favorite time. It is unsolicited advice time.
Speaker 2:So I mean we did give a lot of advice, but if you had any other unsolicited advice advice, nicole, what would that be for spring?
Speaker 1:refresh. This is not a fun one, that's why it's unsolicited, but I do think going through, maybe like your jeans, all of your jeans, see if they, see if they fit, and see, and I noticed, cause I just recently did this but I am not wearing as much distress denim as I once did and so I'm kind of like tuck, tucking those off to the, to the right, and the ones that I'm wearing more of um keeping on the left. So those are like the ones I know my go-to and then you know if I want to reach for some distress then I know where they are. Um, a lot of my closet is color, color coordinated. It's not my denim, it's more like what I wear versus what I don't. So see if your jeans fit, ladies. That's my answer. I like that what is?
Speaker 2:what is your other advice, nicole? If we've got people trying on stuff ladies trying on stuff that if it doesn't fit, should we get rid of it? Should we save it? I know that's a loaded question.
Speaker 1:It is a loaded question, okay. So my advice okay If it's, if it's if they're too big, if they're too big like you've lost a large amount let's say 30 pounds then I say get rid of them. If you've lost 10 pounds, I say hold on to them, especially if they're a classic fit, because weight fluctuates. And it's okay if you go back up to your. If you're now a size six and you were a size eight and you know you like how they fit when you're a size eight, but they're just not fitting you now. Just maybe fold them and put them. You know, put them away for now, but um, maybe it would be.
Speaker 2:Nicole, if you're trying on your clothes, only put in your closet what actually fits Right, cause I know, if I'm like for me personally, if I'm looking at a dress that I'm like Ooh, I wish that fit me it just doesn't make me feel good when I go in my closet. So just try on your stuff, like you're saying try on your denim, feel good in what you're putting in your closet, right Like, feel confident about your clothes.
Speaker 1:That's what I should have said. Yes, but it is.
Speaker 2:I'll wrap it all together.
Speaker 1:Follow Alex's unsolicited advice there Because, I'll be honest, I don't follow my own advice when it comes to that. But you know, if it doesn't fit it shouldn't be in your closet bottom line. But I don't. I felt like a hypocrite, I'm like well.
Speaker 2:Well, put it upstairs, right, If it's something. Also I feel like, if it's something really nice that you like. You know like I still have my dress for my rehearsal dinner. Now, that's never going to fit me, but I put it upstairs. I like to look at it and it's not. I'm not saving it cause I want it to fit, I'm saving it. It just it brings good memories. So I think I like that.
Speaker 2:Um, okay, sorry, that was long-winded. I would say you know what my real mission is for families to add joy and fun back to the kitchen. So I would say, if you're in a dinner rut and look at what you're doing and think how can you add fun to the dinner time, to the meal, and you know I'll give you a couple little things of advice. You could add a game. I recently got a Lazy Susan for my table, my kitchen table, dining table and I put a jar of sprinkles on there and I put a game right and that's a reminder to have fun. You know, add fun to your dinner time, have that connection and really enjoy who you're having dinner with. So add a fun factor to your dinner time. Have that connection and really enjoy who you're having dinner with.
Speaker 2:So add a fun factor to your meals. I mean, it can literally be. You know I am a big fan of sprinkles on pancakes or sprinkles on anything, but it could be. I just found these tuxedo sesame seeds that are black and white and I love them, and adding that as a topping to one of your meals right, it's just a little different. Like, have some fun with your food, do a deconstructed dinner, have your kids get their own food. You know, incorporate your kids into your meals. Those are all really fun things to do, in my opinion. So add some fun to your meals this spring and summer, even if it's just one little thing of putting sprinkles as a reminder on your table. I'm a big fan of visual reminders, so do that.
Speaker 1:There you go, and it's even for those ladies that find no fun and no joy in cooking. I mean, you can find something. What I like to do, I'll give you my unsolicited advice. I tell my kids, go on, because they scroll on TikTok. I'm like, go on Tik TOK and find a recipe that you want to make and we'll make it together. Yes, I thought I enjoy cooking more with them when they're older, now than when they were younger, because I just I didn't want to clean up the mess on top of the already mess. And so now, now they can clean up the mess, you know, um, but uh, it's just, I don't know. I find this way more fun cooking with them.
Speaker 2:Yeah, incorporate your kids in any way. If your kids are, you're in midlife, your kids probably have a phone. They have Tik TOK, my. My kids send me a recipe on Pinterest. So, yeah, incorporate them. Just find any any sort of joy that you can in feeding your family and having fun doing it.
Speaker 1:So yes, and if you're an empty master, I mean have dinner topless.
Speaker 2:Oh geez, oh geez, all right, that's Nicole's advice Do a little dance, Not mine. All right, we will talk to you later. Bye, bye, and that's a wrap for today's episode of Don't Call Me Midlife. We hope you had as much fun as we did.
Speaker 1:Absolutely. Your support means the world to us. If you're just waiting in the carpool line, don't forget to follow the show, and if you're feeling extra spicy today, leave us a rating and review Before we part ways.
Speaker 2:We've got a special invitation for you Join our newsletter to stay in the loop with all things midlife magic, bonus content and more.
Speaker 1:Head on over to the show notes for how to sign up. We can't wait to keep the conversation going.
Speaker 2:And, of course, remember, in the whirlwind of life and motherhood, don't forget to fill up your own cup first. You're extraordinary and your journey is worth every moment. Until next time, cheers.