Don't Call Me Midlife

☀️ Summer Bucket Lists

Alix Mackey & Nicole Stassinopoulos Episode 39

Today, we kick off our "Survive or Thrive" summer series with an episode that explores the summer bucket list. From the craziness of over-scheduled activities with little ones to a more relaxed, balanced approach as our kids grow, we share our personal journeys with summer bucket lists and how to we approach them.

In this episode, we cover:
1. The concept of a summer bucket list
2. Parenting strategies for summer
3. Tailoring activities to fit your family's diverse preferences

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Don't Call Me Midlife. This summer we're shaking things up a bit with our special series called Survive or Thrive. We know moms are extra busy during the summer, so we're bringing you shorter, bite-sized episodes focused on one hot topic at a time. Join us as we share tips, stories and laughs, helping you decide if you're just getting by or truly thriving this summer. Hi, nicole, good morning. It is summer, summer, summer time, okay, and we are going to change up this podcast. We want to let you ladies know for the summer and we are going to be making shorter, sort of like bite-sized episodes this summer, talking about one topic in particular and all the things about that topic. Now, these topics are things that midlife women, moms, will experience specifically during the summer, and when you're listening to this episode, we want to know if, with the topic, if you thrive with this topic in the summertime, or you're just surviving, and that's what we're going to talk about at the end.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I find most of my summers I've been in survival mode. When they were younger, I put them in a lot of summer camp, like the day camps, and they loved it. But as they got older, they wanted to do it less and less, and so, you know, during those times it's been a little bit more survival mode. But now that my kids are a little bit older, it's a little bit more enjoyable and they sleep in, and so that's where I'm at. How about you? I'm the same way. We travel a lot during the summertime, but I think it's switching that mindset right now of not overbooking them, because my kids are always like OK, mom, just chill, we want to chill, like we don't need to have a whole schedule, but we still have that need to be like well, we need to get outside, we need to go to the pool, we need to do this and that you know. So I think it's just an interesting time and that's what we're going to talk about this summer, all these interesting times, right? Yes, exactly, I think I think we should touch on the summer bucket list, you know, because that could produce, I feel like, angst for some of our ladies here. Or it could be like give me a summer bucket list, give me the ideas. I don't know. When I say summer bucket list, what does it evoke to you? I love that idea. I think talking about summer bucket list would be an awesome first topic for this episode. Yes, yes, yes. Do you talking about summer bucket list would be an awesome first topic for this episode.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, yes, do you do a summer bucket list? I used to Same thing when my kids were little, but I like to still do it. I just do it in a different way. I mean it's not like a laminated Pinterest, you know list type of thing. But I do ask my kids what are the three things that you want to do this summer, and it doesn't have to be an extravagant thing, right? A couple of my kids will say I want to go to the local ice cream shop here which is called, like, dairy Joy. I think the expectations there are no expectations. Actually, Like our kids have the best summer ever. I want to be our kids, so I do make it. I mean, I may put it on a post-it this year and put it on the fridge, but that's good. I love post-its. Yeah, I love that idea.

Speaker 1:

I actually have a friend that used to do the Pinterest summer bucket list where she would create her own. She would do it with her family and she would take it to a place like Kinko's and it was probably like 36 by 54. I don't know, no exaggeration, it was huge and it was colorful and I believe it was laminated so they could check it off and write things on it, and that was my like, what I thought my goal was when I had younger kids. But you know, I also don't have kids that want to be on the go either, like go, go, go. So they do, they want their downtime, but I do ask them too, and so we do have three things, and only three things. Like they come up with a couple things and then we all have to agree on because, honestly, their personalities are so different.

Speaker 1:

And I also noticed that, looking at if my kids are more introverted versus extroverted, that really, really makes a lot of sense for us, because my one son he wants to go to like every single festival, he wants to do everything like like carnivals and this and the other one Not that he hates it, but that's not what he wants to do all the time, like he wants to have like quiet heights and and so I really have to be mindful of everyone's personality and what's their capacity like, even the day of. Okay, I can guess who those kids are. You bring Eris to my house and I will keep him busy. We have similar littles. Oh, that is a great idea. We have similar littles.

Speaker 1:

It's like you know what a good idea would be, nicole, is to have our sort of mom midlife bucket list and then our family bucket list. Right, because there are things that, as as you know, midlife women and moms that we want to maintain. Almost. It's almost like a bucket list to maintain over the summertime, because whether you work inside or outside the home Right you still want to have taken care of yourself a little bit too. So there are definitely things that I want to do as well. So I think the summer bucket list is a great idea. It's in a different capacity at this point of our life, but I do love your friend that laminates her bucket list. I need to be friends with her.

Speaker 1:

I really love that idea of like just maintaining like. I don't know that anything really needs to be new on my bucket list, maybe some travel, but I really want to maintain like my morning routine ritual and walking. So I got back into like 10,000 steps a day and that's what I want to maintain. So I know like it doesn't have to be over the top or like super fun, but to me you just like nailed it for me. Oh good, check, check. I just like to put down some ideas of things that you can do just in the summertime. That's the way I sort of view a bucket list right, it is going like berry picking. It is going to that certain ice cream shop. You know the things, really the outdoor, sunny things that you have access to in the summer months, as opposed to not all year long. You know, I won't necessarily put go to the Museum of Science on my bucket list, because I can do that in the middle of December.

Speaker 1:

It may be good for those introverted people that don't like the sun, though that is true, you are more thoughtful with your kids. I'm like guys, this is what we're doing. No, I don't even mean for my family, just like people in general. I was like doing a little research and a lot of. There was like some breakdowns with like introverted versus extroverted, so it really makes me look at things a little differently. I did take Megan Sumrall's Master, your Morning masterclass and she talked about different personality types in the morning. So it really kind of like opened my eyes to different types of activities and things for your family, though I like that. You know what You're making me think about.

Speaker 1:

The morning with my boys. I think on the bucket list I need to be like wake up before 10 am. Your kids may be like, you know, the thriver, survive, smash or pass. We'll be like, pass, they're going to pass that one. But I do feel like I do want to take advantage of the days. You know my kids would wake up at 9 or 10 and then go to bed at 1 in the morning, where you know it's just a little bit different. I do want to take advantage, have that good balance between the chilling out which we know the boys love and girls love, but also, you know, doing things together.

Speaker 1:

And I like your idea of making it simple. It doesn't have to be some extravagant trip or some you know extravagant excursion, sort of what everyone enjoys and taking advantage of where you are right and what is around you, where you live. Yes, 100%, I agree with you, all right. Well, this has been a little fun, little get together with you and talking about our little summer bucket list. And are we going to thrive or survive this summer? What do you think I am thriving?

Speaker 1:

I just put out a summer, a seasonal summer guide called Savor your Summer. On my Instagram that has a summer bucket list that has to do with family dinner. So I view the bucket list as more of like, sort of like goal setting and just sort of fun things and the pressure not having the pressure, like we said when you were younger, but putting on the couple. Doable things, not like a hundred, you know a hundred things just put on a couple and also bring your family in on it. Bring your spouse, bring your kiddos you know, if you spend summers with grandparents, bring them along and get everyone. I feel like when you buy in it, just it makes it more fun and it's like they'll be proud to like oh, we went to that certain beach that we love or we got sea glass or you know whatever is on it. So, 100 percent thriving with a bucket list, make it. I encourage you to do it. Have fun with it. Same same, okay, okay. So tell everybody where they can get your guide. It's, it's Tridish and you can go get the summer bucket list and let us know if you ladies have any topics that you want us to discuss. So we would love to bring up all sorts of fun summer topics and we're just going to play, survive or thrive every week through the summer on Thursday. So be sure to listen to us All. Right Bye, ladies. Enjoy your summer.

Speaker 1:

And that's a wrap for today's episode of Don't Call Me Midlife. We hope you had as much fun as we did. If you're just waiting in the carpool line, don't forget to follow the show, and if you're feeling extra spicy today, leave us a rating and review Before we part ways. Join our newsletter to stay in the loop with all things Midlife, magic, bonus content and more. Head on over to the show notes for how to sign up. We can't wait to keep the conversation going and, of course, don't forget to fill up your own cup first. Cheers you.